Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

I've tried a vegetarian diet cuz I love veggies but after about a week n half I folded, I only eat it a few times a week but every now n again I do love a good steak. Lol
I asked some of my researching moms, to find some sites that you may find helpful, Rezia. My parents were veggie and I turned vegan on my own when I was out of the house. My children are all vegan (my older kiddos tried meat when they where out with friends et) as are my grandchildren. So I was hoping some of the other vegan moms would have some information I could share to help you explore some and also information for parents. I'll post as soon as they send me some stuff! Best of luck.. It gets so much easier the longer you do it. You wouldn't believe how much better you feel and look, and all the amazing foods you can still eat! We have pizza, lasagna, burritos, 'burgers', 'hotdogs', pretty much anything made with meat :) Except no one dies for it (my favorite part)
I was lucky, my mum was very understanding when I turned veggie and my sister soon joined me. Things are so much easier now, there are a lot more foods in the shops, it used to be lentils, tvp 'meat' or quiche. Now we have mycoprotein meat substitutes which my meat eating boyfriend enjoys and I have even found fake prawns which are all good if you are veggie for animal welfare issues. Could your mum be persuaded to substitute some of these into her cooking? Try finding information on food combining to optimise your protein intake eg. eating pulses and grains as part of the same meal.
So many people annoy me by asking what I am going to do with my hens when they stop laying. And they always question why I keep certain bantams that rarely lay eggs. I try to tell people they are pets - The eggs are an added bonus - but they just can't get it through their heads. Chickens have personalities, come when called (at least mine do), and are wonderful pets!
I'm glad there are people like me out there! It's like when you get a puppy for an active pet. When that dog gets old, it's not going to be the same. You won't get the same benefits from that dog. But you cant get rid of them. You become attached to living things. Whether or not it's a chicken shouldn't matter. It's not their fault that their bodies are physically unable to lay anymore. I love how you stand up for your chickens!
This is why I love BYC - The people on here actually understand chickens, while out in "the real world" people just think chickens are machines.
I think what Scooter&Suzie was talking about is out in society. Most of us come from such reserved little places that when we go out to the city, it seems that everyone's perspectives change. Though, I understand that that's not always the case. Sometimes more populated places have more people that care about these things than not. It honestly just depends on where you are.

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