Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

hi just found this thread,thought id join it. i havnt read through all the posts but look forward to sitting down
to it when i have time.
i became vegetarian age 10 and have been vegan for 10 years now,i have two vegan children and a meateating husband!
my children were vegan from birth. i dont ever push my opinions on anyone but am always happy to explain my choices
and most people ask a lot of questions. i respect people more who raise their own animals for food and treat them well
rather than buying shop meat and never giving it a second thought.
i have 3 rir hens who i adore. they are part of our family and are loved. i do sometimes eat an egg from them, i see no harm in it as they are happy hens with no rooster and abandon the eggs. however after not having eggs for ten years i must admit eating them still feels unnatural and a bit icky!lol
Oh, I should note that even labels that are 'regulated' have come under fire for being part of a poorly regulated food system. Reasons such as misleading labels (like the eggs), and things like:
Are some reasons why many are trying to grow more of their own food :)
For some reason I can only see pg. 1, but I think I get it. I've known for a long time that the FDA was not our friend Thanks for the link. I will be listening for more from USP.
If you don't mind snark, and having to occasionally weed out less factual reports, "The Consumerist" is one of the easier one-stop-shops to follow. That is actually how the above came to my attention, as opposed to abc news. I have to do much more than light pruning to get to facts on any of the major news stations. ;)
I don't know if this is a repost, but forgive me if it is. I can only go back three pages :( my phones been acting up the last few days on every site. Someone said it could be the rain messing with the wifi. Anywho, this is a YouTube video, that I share with a lot of people when they keep asking the same questions, I've answered 100x's :) it is lengthy.. But very good. I'm pretty sure I posted it here at one point?
Here it is for those who want to understand more about being vegan or even those who want to share it with their friends.
Hope everyone is doing well!
great link! wow loads of goodies! in england , sainsburys is the place to be this easter! just got my kids giant dark choc bunnies, vegan white choc eggs with buttons and vegan milk choc eggs with choc caramels!!! its normally a nightmare finding one thing! so i couldnt help but buy them all!! lol
For an everyday chocolate fix, I make chocolate candy balls that are raw vegan.

1 and 3/4 cups cashews
1/4 cup walnuts
2 cups dates (or can mix dates and raisins)
1/4 cup cacao

food process these ingredients until they form a glossy ball. Takes a few minutes. If the "dough" is a little oily from the walnuts, pat with a paper towel. Using your hands, roll into balls or mold into other shapes. They are good rolled in unsweetened coconut or crushed nuts. Refrigerate and eat them up. Yummy!

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