Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

Thank you for your support. Parts of my family find it odd that I would give up milk chocolate or pizza for some silly cow, but to me it's so much more. I remember, years ago, I went to my grandparents house to visit them and I had been asked why I wouldn't drink regular milk. I had told them about the cows, especially how their tails can be docked so they don't get in the way of the machine, and my grandpa had said "That's not true." I mean come on! It was on the news, for petes sake! But even when I told him that, he had scoffed and made me feel like some idiot for not drinking it. I come from very old-school family members, where they eat what suits them and don't care about whatever went into it. Recycling isn't a big option and whatever isn't eaten goes to the dogs. It's amazing how much different I feel from them. Luckily my parents were, and still are, very supportive of me, even doing meatless Mondays when we eat together.
how lovely that your family respect your choice. my mother is supportive,my father just dosnt understand me but my parents in law are very judgemental they have caused many a row over my veganism. they dont like me raising their grandchildren as vegans. they think im making them 'different' and that will make life hard for them. so far ive never seen my children have any negetive experience from being vegan other than from them ! they try to make their point by making an issue of what the children cant have whenever they see an oportunity to do so. so they are the only people causing the problems that they said they were so worried my children would face! my mother in law once told me she admires my ethics but thinks pushing my lifestyle onto my kids is wrong. i told her she did the same by raising her kids as meat eater and she said yes but her lifestyle is normal! so she thinks eating animals is wrong but normal!work that one out!lol
I found a wonderful recipe site! I've made most of my dinners using recipes from here...

I really want to become a vegan, but my dad isn't happy with me being even a vegetarian. He says vegetarian-ism and vegan-ism are a sickness of the mind. He says that I need to stop this 'nonsense' or else. (I will NOT stop!) I recently read an article on that site that made me even more assured that I was making the right decision. (Here it is: ((My reason is the 3rd one...)))

Any advice would be appreciated!
Hey Rezia, the following advice is very much general advice. I can apply to anyone (ie. someone looking at getting into Christianity, atheism, a My Little Pony fan club...).

I am really sorry you are facing such opposition from your parents. I do understand how that feels, though for other decisions entirely. It took hitting 18 and moving away from home for me to be able to even begin making and living by my own choices.

When looking at joining in on any sort of group/practice, be careful of surrounding yourself only with material, publications, and views from the same group you are looking at getting into. If said group teaches you not to respect the choices of others, that is a huge red flag to be wary. Groups of people being demonized is always something to look out for, whether it is directed at vegans or meat-eaters. Read and discuss widely (though starting with people you know respect and will listen to you is a great first step), and fully consider each angle. Be able to get to the point where you can face opposition and respond calmly to it. Look at facts and make sure you explore your own reasonings for doing something. I personally hate trying to hold a conversation with someone who can only seem to spout back a series of bumper sticker slogans back at me. That is to say, many people I speak with tend to parrot what they hear instead of actually thinking things through for themselves and looking into things themselves. A good example for veganism would be, "meat is murder". Above all, understand that what works and is true for one person, is never going to apply to all people (including the advice here).

I find that when I do the above, I can remain more respectful of others (instead of just getting angry), and that more often than not, I will get a better reaction/more thoughtful discussion/less disrespect in return. I also find that even when this does not occur, I can be more confident in my personal choice, especially when I am only trying to apply it to me and my personal behavior.

It sounds like you are already well on the road to having a balanced and informed view, and I hope that will give you the confidence to continue on your journey!

ps. Look up chia seed pudding. It can be made with non-dairy milk. Adding cocoa powder and a sweetener (I use honey, but something vegan-friendly like maple syrup could be used) is my favorite flavor. It is really filling and is one of those foods that is as delicious as it is healthy!
Fellow Vegan here.....Well, health reformer, lol, I eat honey. And am a "Vegan" primarily for the health benefits, that it can have. On doing a search on BYC I came across a couple things on this thread which interested me, but I haven't read through the whole thread so I'm not sure if they were already covered. If so, forgive me and ignore! Otherwise.....

1. Agave 'nectar'. I used it quite frequently and have just recently found out that seemingly what you get at the store is actually no good, do a search to read up on it or just post what you think if you are already aware of this controversy. Here's one link........
I stopped using it! I can use honey and maple syrup instead. All sugars should be in moderation, though.Or done without, I'm not ready for that yet! The herb Stevia seems fine, though.

2. Supplements, for soil and us! Are any of you aware of "re-mineralization"? We all know that good health starts in the soil, it's where the plants get what we get, but of course, everything is degrading. So are the minerals and vitamins in the earth making our food less 'complete'. Sea water/weed and rock dust are two ways that are being to used for remineralization. What do you thin? If you're not getting your hands dirty (lol, have you heard of that theory?) and growing lots of the food you eat in un-depleted soil, than seems like you may need some sort of supplement.
Hey Rezia, the following advice is very much general advice. I can apply to anyone (ie. someone looking at getting into Christianity, atheism, a My Little Pony fan club...).

I am really sorry you are facing such opposition from your parents. I do understand how that feels, though for other decisions entirely. It took hitting 18 and moving away from home for me to be able to even begin making and living by my own choices.

When looking at joining in on any sort of group/practice, be careful of surrounding yourself only with material, publications, and views from the same group you are looking at getting into. If said group teaches you not to respect the choices of others, that is a huge red flag to be wary. Groups of people being demonized is always something to look out for, whether it is directed at vegans or meat-eaters. Read and discuss widely (though starting with people you know respect and will listen to you is a great first step), and fully consider each angle. Be able to get to the point where you can face opposition and respond calmly to it. Look at facts and make sure you explore your own reasonings for doing something. I personally hate trying to hold a conversation with someone who can only seem to spout back a series of bumper sticker slogans back at me. That is to say, many people I speak with tend to parrot what they hear instead of actually thinking things through for themselves and looking into things themselves. A good example for veganism would be, "meat is murder". Above all, understand that what works and is true for one person, is never going to apply to all people (including the advice here).

I find that when I do the above, I can remain more respectful of others (instead of just getting angry), and that more often than not, I will get a better reaction/more thoughtful discussion/less disrespect in return. I also find that even when this does not occur, I can be more confident in my personal choice, especially when I am only trying to apply it to me and my personal behavior.

It sounds like you are already well on the road to having a balanced and informed view, and I hope that will give you the confidence to continue on your journey!

ps. Look up chia seed pudding. It can be made with non-dairy milk. Adding cocoa powder and a sweetener (I use honey, but something vegan-friendly like maple syrup could be used) is my favorite flavor. It is really filling and is one of those foods that is as delicious as it is healthy!
Thank you so much! That helped a lot!
I'm not a Vegan, or even a Vegetarian but I do enjoy a lot of the food that comes from those types of diets. I never have been a big meat eater, to be honest I do enjoy a good steak or some nice fish, but I would rather have fresh fruit and veggies, especially if I gather them from my own garden.
Yeah! Let me find it... I'll get back to you soon.
Thank you so much! I love hummus, but can't normally eat it because I'm vegan. Thanks

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