Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

I just found out my local Kroger has Dayia cheese, too!! I'm so excited to try it! I'm not vegetarian, but I have lactose/ dairy issues; never been able to find a good cheese sub.

Thanks X2!!
I'm a vegetarian and have been my whole life. I've never eaten meat or fish.
Eh, there are heavy people with every eating habit. Two of my good friends are strict veggies and fairly overweight. They eat tons of carbs and have a pancake problem - but they're still veggies.
Eh, there are heavy people with every eating habit. Two of my good friends are strict veggies and fairly overweight. They eat tons of carbs and have a pancake problem - but they're still veggies.

I agree. Being a vegeterian doesn't automatically equal healthy but, I like that my coworkers think that it does. They think I'm healthy

Now, vegans might be different. Can you be overweight and a vegan?? I find it hard to imagine.

I am not a vegetarian - no offense for those that are.
Saturated fats are extremely important for ones overall health and brain function; animals for meat are vital for my health, and I've came to the conclusion that no 'fake-meat' substitute or 'vegetarian' dish could ever meet up to all my nutritional needs as a person. I'm still healing my gut from all the damage I've done to it by eating like a normal teen. The change I made was chicken broth, lamb broth, beef broth...etc. No more do I have cramps, sluggishness, baggy eyes, and my asthma is completely gone - unless I eat white bread; but even then the side affects aren't as extreme.

That's not to say I approve of the way large meat factories treat their animals; I don't approve of it at all, in fact. That's why I spend the extra dollar and buy the 'free-range' and 'organic' meat, which at least treat their animals a little better.
I'm not a hippy, but I definitely believe that going organic and down to 'nature' is the way to go, but that doesn't mean that I'm 'hurting' animals when I eat them. I care about the lives they lead before they get slaughtered a great deal. They are living things too.
I'm not sure what you mean about the damage you did to your body, but I assure you that:

"Saturated fats are extremely important for ones overall health and brain function; animals for meat are vital for my health, and I've came to the conclusion that no 'fake-meat' substitute or 'vegetarian' dish could ever meet up to all my nutritional needs as a person."

This is just not true. You can get everything you need to be healthy eating a vegetarian diet.
I'm not a veggie, either... but am trying to source meats locally/raising myself. But I wonder if the broth is because of electrolytes? Perhaps that's what the difference is? Not to say you couldn't get electrolytes from veggie broth or non animal sources, either of course.
I'm not sure what you mean about the damage you did to your body, but I assure you that:

"Saturated fats are extremely important for ones overall health and brain function; animals for meat are vital for my health, and I've came to the conclusion that no 'fake-meat' substitute or 'vegetarian' dish could ever meet up to all my nutritional needs as a person."

This is just not true. You can get everything you need to be healthy eating a vegetarian diet.

I didn't want to go into all the reasons because it's a rather long debate. But basically it all goes down to your gut flora - "Your gut is the way to your health." Gut flora is all the living organisms in your intestines they are beneficial to your well-being. When you eat carbohydrates and sugars they multiply your bad 'gut flora' and it doesn't go well. Without realizing it, many people have really unhealthy intestines. It's almost ten at night in CA, I don't feel like doing a really, really long post about eating right. It get's me frustrated how people eat, and I don't want to fight. I can direct you to an excellently written book, the results in my seemingly healthy body were tremendous. For once, I felt well, not sick, perfectly well. It boils down for me, excuse me if this is rather blunt: God gave us beneficial things to eat on the earth. Some of those things are animals. Our ancestors diets were a lot healthier than 21st century diets. They included mostly meats and fish; don't you think, perhaps, that if they were vegetarians that they would have had the knowledge we do to get the 'perfectly balanced' vegetables and fruit to make up for one serving of meat?
Do your homework. Saturated fats are important - which is exactly what most people detest, if they are so 'bad', then why aren't us humans dead? Our ancestors lived mostly off of saturated fats, if they are so 'bad' as the diet dictocrats say, then why aren't heart attacks decreasing? Why are suddenly so more people sick and dying in the hospitals? Trans-fats. As I said before, this is my blunt opinion. I wish not to start a fight, so if you don't agree please don't answer. If any fighty reply is given I will not reply - take no offense. This is a chicken forum after all.

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