Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

I'm not sure what you mean about the damage you did to your body, but I assure you that:

"Saturated fats are extremely important for ones overall health and brain function; animals for meat are vital for my health, and I've came to the conclusion that no 'fake-meat' substitute or 'vegetarian' dish could ever meet up to all my nutritional needs as a person."

This is just not true. You can get everything you need to be healthy eating a vegetarian diet.

I didn't want to go into all the reasons because it's a rather long debate. But basically it all goes down to your gut flora - "Your gut is the way to your health." Gut flora is all the living organisms in your intestines they are beneficial to your well-being. When you eat carbohydrates and sugars they multiply your bad 'gut flora' and it doesn't go well. Without realizing it, many people have really unhealthy intestines. It's almost ten at night in CA, I don't feel like doing a really, really long post about eating right. It get's me frustrated how people eat, and I don't want to fight. I can direct you to an excellently written book, the results in my seemingly healthy body were tremendous. For once, I felt well, not sick, perfectly well. It boils down for me, excuse me if this is rather blunt: God gave us beneficial things to eat on the earth. Some of those things are animals. Our ancestors diets were a lot healthier than 21st century diets. They included mostly meats and fish; don't you think, perhaps, that if they were vegetarians that they would have had the knowledge we do to get the 'perfectly balanced' vegetables and fruit to make up for one serving of meat?
Do your homework. Saturated fats are important - which is exactly what most people detest, if they are so 'bad', then why aren't us humans dead? Our ancestors lived mostly off of saturated fats, if they are so 'bad' as the diet dictocrats say, then why aren't heart attacks decreasing? Why are suddenly so more people sick and dying in the hospitals? Trans-fats. As I said before, this is my blunt opinion. I wish not to start a fight, so if you don't agree please don't answer. If any fighty reply is given I will not reply - take no offense. This is a chicken forum after all.

I'm not talking about any of that stuff, and I'm not trying to tell you what to eat or that you're wrong - that's personal and I'm not preaching.

The only point I wanted to make was that a person can get everything they need nutritionally, easily, from a varied vegetarian diet. That's all. I just can't stand when people say that they 'won't get enough protein' or something. It's a very widely perpetuated myth and I do my part to change that. I don't care if people eat meat but I hate when I say I'm a vegetarian and people right away jump to nutrition and start telling me how I'm unhealthy and going to die from lack of protein. Meanwhile, I'm in good shape and feeling great while they are overweight...and they're giving me nutritional advice?

I do think that the idea of blaming all the sicknesses on trans-fat sounds a little hokey. Could I have some documentation on that? Not saying it isn't true, I'd like to read it.

I hope his made sense, I'm tired, but please know I'm not trying to be fighty.
I'm not a veggie, either... but am trying to source meats locally/raising myself. But I wonder if the broth is because of electrolytes? Perhaps that's what the difference is? Not to say you couldn't get electrolytes from veggie broth or non animal sources, either of course.

That seems plausible. I'd like to see the studies/documentation on broth curing asthma... that just sounds too out there but stranger things have happened.

Good on you for raising your own. That takes stuff I don't have.
There are saturated non animal fats as well - coconut oil for example.

Oh, and there are definitely fat vegans.. go to any health food store and you will stacks and stacks of vegan junk food. You'd have to work a bit harder at it, but it's definitely doable.
Ever had vegan brownies? Yum! Coconut milk ice cream? Just as calorific as the stuff with milk and eggs.

I don't eat a ton of meat subs, but when I do I love Quorn. You can also make your own seitan for the budget conscious.

As for eggs.. Obviously I eat eggs, but on one of my facebook pages there's always someone posting silly stuff about how even pet chickens are 'enslaved' and we are ripping babies away from hen mamas so we can chow down on them, yada yada yada. No facts involved at all.
I'm not a veggie, either... but am trying to source meats locally/raising myself. But I wonder if the broth is because of electrolytes? Perhaps that's what the difference is? Not to say you couldn't get electrolytes from veggie broth or non animal sources, either of course.

That seems plausible. I'd like to see the studies/documentation on broth curing asthma... that just sounds too out there but stranger things have happened.

Good on you for raising your own. That takes stuff I don't have.

Yeah - I'm not saying that broth cures asthma. But Wooing listed a whole host of things that went away for them when they started eating differently, namely their broths. I DO know, however...that when you are eating an Atkins type diet, a low carb diet, a caveman type diet or if you just want to call it a "veggies, nuts and meat" type of diet, often-times when you are first starting out or getting out of your carb addiction phase and into the correct way of eating (yes, too many carbs ARE bad for you, regardless if you're a meat eater or a veggie) then it's suggested that you try drinking broth. It's not said just meat broth, but veggie broth as well. It helps to replenish electrolytes.

I'm not trying to start a grand debate on the study to prove or disprove Wooing's curing of asthma based on broth. I was simply suggesting/asking a question. Now after reading Wooing's last post, I'm wondering if the book they are referencing would be on some sort of paleo method of eating. If so - my elecrolyte guess would be more plausible.

Edited to correct names. It's too early for me.
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I didn't want to go into all the reasons because it's a rather long debate. But basically it all goes down to your gut flora - "Your gut is the way to your health." Gut flora is all the living organisms in your intestines they are beneficial to your well-being. When you eat carbohydrates and sugars they multiply your bad 'gut flora' and it doesn't go well. Without realizing it, many people have really unhealthy intestines. It's almost ten at night in CA, I don't feel like doing a really, really long post about eating right. It get's me frustrated how people eat, and I don't want to fight. I can direct you to an excellently written book, the results in my seemingly healthy body were tremendous. For once, I felt well, not sick, perfectly well. It boils down for me, excuse me if this is rather blunt: God gave us beneficial things to eat on the earth. Some of those things are animals. Our ancestors diets were a lot healthier than 21st century diets. They included mostly meats and fish; don't you think, perhaps, that if they were vegetarians that they would have had the knowledge we do to get the 'perfectly balanced' vegetables and fruit to make up for one serving of meat?
Do your homework. Saturated fats are important - which is exactly what most people detest, if they are so 'bad', then why aren't us humans dead? Our ancestors lived mostly off of saturated fats, if they are so 'bad' as the diet dictocrats say, then why aren't heart attacks decreasing? Why are suddenly so more people sick and dying in the hospitals? Trans-fats. As I said before, this is my blunt opinion. I wish not to start a fight, so if you don't agree please don't answer. If any fighty reply is given I will not reply - take no offense. This is a chicken forum after all.

I'm not talking about any of that stuff, and I'm not trying to tell you what to eat or that you're wrong - that's personal and I'm not preaching.

The only point I wanted to make was that a person can get everything they need nutritionally, easily, from a varied vegetarian diet. That's all. I just can't stand when people say that they 'won't get enough protein' or something. It's a very widely perpetuated myth and I do my part to change that. I don't care if people eat meat but I hate when I say I'm a vegetarian and people right away jump to nutrition and start telling me how I'm unhealthy and going to die from lack of protein. Meanwhile, I'm in good shape and feeling great while they are overweight...and they're giving me nutritional advice?

I do think that the idea of blaming all the sicknesses on trans-fat sounds a little hokey. Could I have some documentation on that? Not saying it isn't true, I'd like to read it.

I hope his made sense, I'm tired, but please know I'm not trying to be fighty.

Let's be honest, here. The whole vegetarian/vegan lifestyle would be very difficult to maintain in a subsistance society, where very little commercial movement was available.
As for vegans and their life philosophy, if you can't grow it in your backyard or get it within walking distance, you aren't living up to your full potential to avoid animal products.....Oil is an animal product. Big trucks, delivering the fancy grains and beans, from afar, use oil for fuel and lubrication. The driver may even be sitting on a leather seat.

A subsistance lifestyle demands the use of meat as a shortcut to good health. As Wooing Wyandotte pointed out, one of the healthiest things you can use as a cooking base are soup stocks. There's solid proof that these slow simmered pots of bone, meat and veggies is loaded with vitamins and yes, good, healthy fat..... Remember grandma and the chicken soup, when you were feeling poorly?..... Fat, which not only provides a flavor which cannot by duplicated by manmade processes, but also aids in the digestion and movement of bulk through the intestines.

The truth is, veganism is nearly impossible, if one chooses the homestead/ subsistance lifestyle.
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I have to say that I really respect vegetarians and vegans. I tried vegetarianism and the longest I went was a few months. It was all good until someone whipped out the bacon

My cousin was a vegetarian for seven years. After about her second or third year in medical school she didn't have as much time to prepare meals so she just went back to eating chicken. She isn't a big fan of steak and neither am I. I have realized that I don't really eat that much meat. Chicken maybe twice a week and thats it. But when I try not to eat it I start to crave it...
/Shrug, I get plenty of fat - and since I'm not vegan, saturated animal fat from eggs and whole milk (whole milk yogurt from local small farms is soooooo good and I can use it as starter to make my own). To each his/her own.
@ someone whipped out the bacon.

When I think about it, I really don't eat red meat too often. I eat a lot of chicken, fish and shrimp. Right now, I am on a 30 day juice cleanse and I am craving a BIG OLE STEAK.

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