Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

You all are so awesome with your replies. I do appreciate you taking the time to answer my corny questions. I am learning so much from you all. I find the vegetarian lifestyle exciting and healthy. That is why I am asking so many questions.

I saw agave in the store and I was hesitant in buying it. I still may try it just to see what it tastes like but I am happy with my local, raw, unprocessed honey that I initially found for my severe allergies. I saw Erythritol in something but I wasn't sure if that was good or not. What about Alcohol Sugar? I read that on something in the store as well. Is that the same as Erythriotol or not? Is Alcholol Sugar good or not?
You all are so awesome with your replies. I do appreciate you taking the time to answer my corny questions. I am learning so much from you all. I find the vegetarian lifestyle exciting and healthy. That is why I am asking so many questions.
I saw agave in the store and I was hesitant in buying it. I still may try it just to see what it tastes like but I am happy with my local, raw, unprocessed honey that I initially found for my severe allergies. I saw Erythritol in something but I wasn't sure if that was good or not. What about Alcohol Sugar? I read that on something in the store as well. Is that the same as Erythriotol or not? Is Alcholol Sugar good or not?

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol, but unlike Xylitol and Maltitol (and sorbitol), it is metabolized differently and has fewer calories so it generally does not cause the 'bathroom issues' that the others do. Drawback is that it's not as sweet and is kinda pricey. That said, I know there are some people who still get GI issues with it - I could eat pounds of it and have no problems, but if you try any sugar alcohols start slowly JUST in case. :)

Or just stick with the honey. :)
You all are so awesome with your replies. I do appreciate you taking the time to answer my corny questions. I am learning so much from you all. I find the vegetarian lifestyle exciting and healthy. That is why I am asking so many questions.

I saw agave in the store and I was hesitant in buying it. I still may try it just to see what it tastes like but I am happy with my local, raw, unprocessed honey that I initially found for my severe allergies. I saw Erythritol in something but I wasn't sure if that was good or not. What about Alcohol Sugar? I read that on something in the store as well. Is that the same as Erythriotol or not? Is Alcholol Sugar good or not?

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol, but unlike Xylitol and Maltitol  (and sorbitol), it is metabolized differently and has fewer calories so it generally does not cause the 'bathroom issues' that the others do. Drawback is that it's not as sweet and is kinda pricey. That said, I know there are some people who still get GI issues with it - I could eat pounds of it and have no problems, but if you try any sugar alcohols start slowly JUST in case. :)

Or just stick with the honey. :)

Got it! Sounds good. Ok and I will do as you said and stick to the honey. ;)
It's no problem at all
. It's very exciting when other members want to learn about the veggie lifestyle. I myself am working on research as well on changing my class to vegan.
This is my favorite cereal and I want you all to take a look at it and let me know if it's clean to eat.

INGREDIENTS: Rolled oats*, evaporated cane juice*, soy oil*, brown rice flour*, pumpkin seeds*, flax seeds*, oat syrup solids* (oat syrup solids*, tocopherols), sea salt, molasses*, cinnamon*. *Organic. Contains soy. Produced in a facility that uses wheat, peanuts or tree nuts.

High Fiber
Contains 20% or more of the Daily Value (DV) to describe protein, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, or potassium per reference amount.

No Trans Fat
There are no (zero grams) trans fats present in this item. Trans fats are formed when liquid oils are made into solid fats (shortening and hard margarine).

Produced without using any ingredients sourced from meat, fish, fowl or eggs, in accordance with the founder’s philosophy and lifestyle.

Whole Grain
Whole grains or foods made from them contain all the essential parts and naturally-occurring nutrients of the entire grain seed.
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I may be repeating something, but how do you all get protein?

Heh;. I keep pointing out to my DH that I get more protein than he does, and he eats meat. I don't need all of it, kind of a leftover from my days 'bodybuilding'.. Anyways.. If you eat dairy, there's greek yogurt, eggs, whey protein, cottage cheese.. There's meat analogs, seitan, tofu, tempeh.. there's protein from grains, certain veggies and beans. I have a vegan protein powder that's rice, pea and organic soy, as well as a soy free one that also has artichokes. Lots of things have protein and it's very easy to get enough or even more than enough like me.
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I may be repeating something, but how do you all get protein?

I think it's pretty easy to get protein on a vegetarian diet. I like to lift weights and I follow the "Eat Clean Diet" principles of a protein and complex carb at every meal/snack. My menu as an example yesterday-

(I follow the same breakfast 99% of the time. Some type of berry every day. I switch up the oatmeal for teff sometimes, and I change the method I cook the eggs)
1/2 c oatmeal cooked in 1 c organic skim milk with a T ground flax and 1T wheat germ thrown on top.
handful raspberries
2 eggs (sometimes eat 1 yolk, usually none)

mid morn snack
1/2 apple
small handful almonds

ezekial wrap
home made hummus
1 1/2 c raw brocolli, 1/2 c sliced radishes

afternoon snack
ryvita crackers
hard boiled egg whites
couple cucumber slices

spicy tempeh
mixed vegetables
salad of romaine, purple cabbage, avocado, and a few black beans.

after supper snack/workout shake ( i do my exercising in the evening)
I whizzed together 3/4 c unsweetened almond milk
scoop protein powder, splash vanilla
T raw pumpkin seeds, T ground flaxseed
2 c greens, spinach and watercress this time

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