Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

I *LOVE* North Indian food, it's seriously some of the best food on earth
Does anyone know of a vegetarian cookbook that doesn't rely on onions? I have found that most vegetarian food contains large amounts of onion, and I just plain don't like onions. I do love garlic, but there is a major difference with the volume. So I am still looking for a cookbook that doesn't have onions in most of the main dishes.
Does anyone know of a vegetarian cookbook that doesn't rely on onions? I have found that most vegetarian food contains large amounts of onion, and I just plain don't like onions. I do love garlic, but there is a major difference with the volume. So I am still looking for a cookbook that doesn't have onions in most of the main dishes.

Wish I could help but most of my cook books contain quite a bit of onions.

I've been vegetarian my whole life. Chickens are more of a hobby for me because I don't eat eggs. I've always felt sorry for animals...

Glad to hear from another "All Lifer"
Northern Indian dishes tend to be very heavy and full of things like cream and ghee (clarified butter). They also use ALOT of naan (breads) and those are also usually covered in butter. Southern is more vegetable heavy and less cream or ghee with rice being the base and roti (flat bread) being the primary bread. I'm including pictures of typical northern vs southern food:

Northern: mango lassi, garlic naan, rice with peas, chana masala (?), aloo palak, lentals, samosa (fried)

Southern: I can ask my husband what they all are... he would know probably. ;)

Northern Indian dishes tend to be very heavy and full of things like cream and ghee (clarified butter). They also use ALOT of naan (breads) and those are also usually covered in butter.  Southern is more vegetable heavy and less cream or ghee with rice being the base and roti (flat bread) being the primary bread. I'm including pictures of typical northern vs southern food:

Northern:  mango lassi, garlic naan, rice with peas, chana masala (?), aloo palak, lentals, samosa (fried)

Southern: I can ask my husband what they all are... he would know probably. ;)

:drool :drool :drool :drool :drool :drool
I am so totally hungary now!

Small Victory at my house - I am a vegitarian at heart (and not a big fan of meat other than some fish and chicken and milk products) but my DH is so overboard with his love of things meat oriented
Soo... after much coercion and some reminders about health issues, I've gotten him to agree to one vegitarian day a week. OK, its not much, but any victory when its converting a carnivore, is a VICTORY!

Personally, I told him if he didn't have what it takes to end a life and prepare it himself, he hadn't earned the right to it. (no offense to those of you who allrady don't face this moral issue

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