Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

Most people go veggie for one or more of the following reasons..
1. Animal welfare - animals used for meat are often badly treated in factory farms
2. Not wishing to have living beings killed for your consumption
3. Health or Dietary reasons
4. Sanitation of meat and meat products being poor after slaughter (contamination)
4. Other (I am sure there are more reasons LOL)

As for protein,a lot of cheese is actually more fat than protein. There are many protein sources - if you eat dairy/eggs, there is protein from that. If not, you get your protein from plant/bean/grain sources. One of my protein shakes (made with pea/rice and artichoke protein) has more protein than a steak. :)

I have tried doing shakes/ smoothies as a dietary supplement, but whenever I drink something that isn't water, it sits in my stomach, and I get sick.... it sucks.
I actually cant eat beef or red meat. Thanks to a lovely little genetic quirk... I don't produce the enzymes necessary to break it down. The result is very unpleasant stomach issues. I have supplements the dr prescribed that I can use.. but they just don't work very well to be honest. I'm also lactose intolerant and have food allergies. Unfortunately I also have a bleeding disorder (VWD) and severe anemia on top of it so I really have to be careful about my diet and nutrition. You would think that would mean I'm skinny right?? Not. *sigh* Oh the joys of a messed up body...

I also don't like pork because well... pigs are just... not clean. My ex fiance raised them his whole childhood and he confirmed that no matter how clean you try to keep them... they just have nasty habits. And I believe you are what you eat.

Hubby and I also prefer a self sustaining life... if possible. We want to keep artificial hormones, chemicals and byproducts out of our diet as much as possible.

I went vegetarian when I was 9 years old (I'm 31 now) but I will say this: I don't miss meat.
ok don't take anything I am to say in the wrong way I am curious

I love meat and can't think of going veggie but I think it is good you can, my question is why would you go weggie. And how are you to get your protien from what source I have heard some will eat cheese ( I don't know if it is all dairy) because it comes from a animal and then I reckon some do eat cheese I pick cheese since that is the only thing I know of Sorry I am ignorant I beg forgiveness for be so.

I don't hink I could But if someone can explain so I may learn of this

I am proud of you ( all who are) it is a worthy cause


I'm a vegetarian for animal right issues. However, many of my veggie friends are vegetarian for health purposes. I get most of my protein from soy meat and various vegetables and I used to take supplements.
I love meat and can't think of going veggie but I think it is good you can, my question is why would you go weggie.
I became a vegitarian initially becasue I simply hate aniamal fat, and I was farm raised and tired of them dressing my bottle babies. But mostly, I don't like meat much.

And how are you to get your protien from what source I have heard some will eat cheese ( I don't know if it is all dairy) because it comes from a animal and then I reckon some do eat cheese I pick cheese since that is the only thing I know of Sorry I am ignorant I beg forgiveness for be so.

some vegitarians consume fish or chicken (or eggs) some consume milk or milk products (cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream)
some are vegan, and abstain from using any animals products (eat any animals or its products, do not wear clothes from animals in any way (cotten and linen only), no honey, no yeast, etc.

If you are vegan (or not), proteins are made in your body whenever you consume legumes and grains in the same day, they don't have to be eaton togather to work, or you may consume a variety of nuts and utilize the soybean (for legumes or tofu), for a complete protein source. As a vegan, some essentials oils must be consumed from very select seeds and nuts, or you take a vitamin/suppliment that offers those essential oils.

I don't hink I could But if someone can explain so I may learn of this
I am not a vegan anymore, but I choose often to consume animals free stuff, BECAUSE IT TASTES SO AWESOME!! LOL

I am proud of you ( all who are) it is a worthy cause

Henny Peeny:

My husband and I always joke that we'll go veggie..but really, we're pretty close. Our reasons to eat less meat included:

-Health. It is utterly amazing to me how much meat, and fatty meat, the average American consumes in a day. I grew up in other cultures that had more...balanced meals.

-Humane Reasons...for us and the animals. We stopped buying factory-farmed/industry meat, and now only get meat from local sources where the animals are raised in conditions we feel are humane and healthier for both the animals and us. Buying local also helps support our community, supports the small farming lifestyle, and keeps the environment and animals in a better condition (ie. no gas trucking stressed animals across the country). Our money gets spread out to several people instead of one, giant corporation. My first taste of the difference in made in, well, taste, was with eggs from a neighbor. I could actually make yellow cake that was bright yellow instead of white without adding food coloring! This is because the yolks are much richer in color (and taste). I didn't think I'd be able to tell between a Wal-mart egg and a fresh farm egg, and used to scoff at things like vegetarianism and trying to eat healthy. ...Oh my gosh, it was just a melt-in-my-mouth difference. I then found the same to be true with meat, and kept finding out that real food sure beats the heck out of heavily processed or 'intensively raised' stuff that is edible.
Same with dairy and honey. We're really trying to cut ourselves off the corporate teat for all things. For instance, we weren't pleased to find out much of the grocery store honey isn't anything approaching honey. After avoiding milk for most of my life for the severe acne, stomach pain, and other health issues it caused me, I found out I wasn't actually lactose intolerant. I can handle milk and dairy that is free of hormones and antibiotics just fine. Cows raised on pasture have much, much higher levels of CLA and vitamins as well, and avoid the ulcers common in grain fed cattle.

We are just getting into raising our own fish for food this year, and we will see if we just start raising all our own meat animals..or if we decide we'd be happier going all veggie/non-pain-feeling organisms.
I finally tried the Morning Star veggie dogs. My chickens will LOVE them!

That bad? I can't stand the new recipe either 

It wasn't that bad. However they were better than the last veggie dogs that I tried (Good Ole Dog?). But what I can't understand is how are the Morning Star corn dogs sooooooooooooooooo delicious and the regular veggie dogs are not? :drool

I LOVE those corndogs. I wouldn't totally give the Morning Star veggie dogs a thumbs down. On a scale of 1- 5. I would give them a 2. I was able to complete the meal without barfing. :)
But what I can't understand is how are the Morning Star corn dogs sooooooooooooooooo delicious and the regular veggie dogs are not?

I laughed so hard because are the EXACT words my mother used when she tried them

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