Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

Free Parma Vegan Parmesan Sample
. I can't seem to find any local Vegan Parmesan!
Wow! So glad to have found this thread. I am a vegan lady married to a vegan man with two vegan boys and now - chickens! I love chickens. I feel so fortunate to have the chance to give some a good life in my backyard. I need a farm because I don't think I can stop at chickens.
So,veganloraine, if you are all vegan in your family, I know you have chickens just as pets, but what do you do with the eggs? (I eat some of mine, give some to friends, and sometimes sell 'em -- especially now that my boyfriend, who was my partner in this chicken-keeping idea in the first place, has given up eggs.)
Btw, I understand chicken math, but I don't know what to call your described problem.

That looks DELICIOUS
I thought that I had posted the recipes on this thread but I guess I didn't. Here ya go! Enjoy!
Juice Pulp Veggie Burgers
1 cup juice pulp
1 cup aduki beans (or black beans, or any other bean for that matter)
2 tbsp tahini
2 tbsp tamari
1 cup finely chopped mushrooms (I used 6 mini portobellos)
1 1/3 cup ground almonds
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
salt and pepper
1/4 cup of water (add more water if it needs a little help processing)
Blend up the beans until smooth add in juice pulp, mushrooms, tahini and tamari. Blend until smooth. Add in ground almonds (almonds should be roughly ground). Add in spices and stir until combined. Form into patty shape (You'll get about 10 small burgers or 7 big ones). Bake in a 350F oven for 25 minutes. Top with avocado and paprika!

Choosing Raw’s Juice Pulp Crackers (raw, vegan, GF and soy free if you use coconut aminos)
Makes about 24-30 crackers
2 heaping cups juice pulp (any veggies you like)
1/2 cup flax meal
3 tbsp nama shoyu or tamari or coconut aminos (if you’re gluten and/or soy free)
1 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp curry powder
Black pepper to taste (I’m generous with it)
1/4-1/2 cup water
1) Blend all ingredients save the water in a food processor. Add water in a thin stream till the mix is easy to spread, but not watery (the amount of water you’ll need will vary based on how watery the pulp is).
2) Turn the "dough" out onto a teflex dehydrator sheet and spread it evenly. Score into cracker or flatbread shapes–I tend to do half and half of each!
3) Dehydrate the crackers at 115 degrees for about 4 hours. Flip the sheet by putting another teflex sheet over it, flipping it over, and then peeling off your original sheet.
4) Dehydrate for another 4-5 hours, or until crackers are nice and crunchy (again, this time may vary based on how watery your pulp was).
5) Serve with salads, hummus, or as you please!
Oven option: bake crackers at 325 degrees for about 30 minutes, checking on them often to be sure they’re not burning.
What's the source of the two recipes? (I see something in the title of the 2nd, is that it?)
Free Parma Vegan Parmesan Sample
The link didn't work at first. I had to remove the "/contact.html" and go to the home page, then to 'contact us' ? There's a caution: Due to overwhelming email response, it is going to take a while to get back with you. I wonder how long it'll take.
Oh I will! Assuming my stupid post office doesn't lose it in the mail like half my other orders
That's one issue I don't deal with too much, having a Post Office Box (it's the mail that goes to the house, that I'm less sure of).

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