Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

Welcome! Anyone have some good vegan Thanksgiving recipes? I know it's early, but I'm trying to plan ahead. I am having my daughter and her family visiting over the holidays. they will be going to have dinner at someone else's home with a Turkey, but I need to feed them the rest of he week. They are very picky eaters! I can't expect them to do the raw vegan thing that I do. I tried that a little in the summer and thought they'd never come visit me again.
Okay, I'm here to learn so tell me; why are vegetarians or vegans on a site that's largly about consuming meat?
There's actually only one section on this forum regarding meat birds. Most of the forums are about chickens kept for eggs (or sometimes as pets). Even chicken owners who eat meat do not necessarily eat their own chickens.
Welcome! Anyone have some good vegan Thanksgiving recipes? I know it's early, but I'm trying to plan ahead. I am having my daughter and her family visiting over the holidays. they will be going to have dinner at someone else's home with a Turkey, but I need to feed them the rest of he week. They are very picky eaters! I can't expect them to do the raw vegan thing that I do. I tried that a little in the summer and thought they'd never come visit me again.
Any known food allergies?
I think thanksgiving was covered a few pages back.

Of the purchased products there several that we have tried. This product incredibly good is: My meat loving niece loves it.

Of course there’s always the Tofuturkey: If fooled grandpa.

On the homemade front, most thanksgiving’s traditional sides are vegan or easily modified to be so. I’ve never had much of a problem stuffing myself on thanksgiving. As I often tell people, what you consider a side dish, I consider a main course.

No food allergies, except a few nuts that make me itchy, which I avoid and substitute the nuts I can use.
thanks for the suggestions. I've been eating side dishes at our Thanksgiving celebrations for years. It's finding things that appeal to picky little kids that's the problem. The adults will try anything once!
Just like Kevin and Featherz said, which is 100% true, not everyone on thgis site necessarily eats their chickens. It's also pretty cool where we can have a site to just talk to others who share our opinion about eating meat.
I just found some great locally made pasta that is made from ground beans/legumes as well as wheat and oats. It tastes like pasta but with a firmer texture, is high in omega threes and protein, and delicious. It only costs about 10 cents more than the regular pasta brands so I think I'm going to switch. Sometimes I worry about protein content when making a pasta meal, but this way, if I am out of other protein sources, I can grab this stuff instead of regular whole wheat pasta.

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