Vent blocked What to do.


In the Brooder
Sep 2, 2021
I checked my hens tonight and noticed something was wrong. She is in pain trying to poo and crying. I soaked her 20 minutes in Epson salt trying to clean it but she is stra0ining and still blocked
Hah! It may be tough on me, but my chickens are so spoiled with their climate sealed runs that they will not, under any circumstances allow their feet to wander out and actually touch snow. I spent an hour and a half yesterday freezing my fingers off, while they all stood around and watched, tacking up weather stripping around the run winter panels so the snow wouldn't drift in and "soil" the sand they love to scratch and bathe in.
I will be here for a little while. @Wyorp Rock stays up a little later. Hopefully, your hen will get a little rest in that quiet spot for the night. Just check in, and maybe offer her some fluids. But she really needs some calcium or Tums if there is another egg or lash egg coming. Azygous stay safe during your storm in CO.
She has passed 3 more t
I will be here for a little while. @Wyorp Rock stays up a little later. Hopefully, your hen will get a little rest in that quiet spot for the night. Just check in, and maybe offer her some fluids. But she really needs some calcium or Tums if there is another egg or lash egg coming. Azygous stay safe during your storm in CO.

an clumps like the first just smaller. I gave her 600 MG calcium pyruvate and she is breathing easier and now just straining grunts but no more screaming My Dogos had to stay right beside her the whole time and whined everytime she screamed. Poor baby. I hate seeing her in so much pain. I put honey on her to prevent drying fixed her a heating pad and put her in a puppy crate with a blanket over it. Thanks everyone for your help so far. I am here alone and was hitting panic mode. Now I know I did all I could for her this evening and let's see what morning brings.
It's on my personal thingie at the left - Colorado. Everyone should update their personal info and let us know their general location. It's not a map to your house by any stretch, and it tells us so much about the conditions you face keeping your flock. This morning I had to shovel my way to the chicken coop to bring them water and turn on their heat lamps so they can warm themselves to prevent frost bite. But it's sure pretty out there.

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