Vent Gleet and Worms



In the Brooder
Jun 7, 2022
I have a 3 year old hen who I believe has vent gleet and definitely has worms. I've been treating her for 3 days with warm Epsom salt baths and trying to keep her vent clean then today I noticed the worms around her vent after the bath. I have photos of the worm and her vent but I'm not sure how to post. Wondering if she needs dewormer and what else I can do for her. I'm in a very remote area, no chicken vets. Worms were about half inch long, white, segmented, not flat, not skinny. Thanks for any help, I feel bad for her.
Figured out how to post the photos (doh).
She has maggots eating her. It's called fly strike. Not what needs a dewormer.

You need to get tweezers and pick all the maggots off her. Does she have an injury back there?
Well not new to them, I have had them for about ten years now. But yes kiki, new to BYC!😉
You should have known what was happening here then. 🫤. Please don't guess or give out bad information, to newer than you people, that can cause them to think you know what you are talking about. Wouldn't it suck if you told them something and they did it and they killed their bird?
View attachment 3140210According to Green Willow Homestesd and many other areas, it can. And yes I do of course know intestines are wet,
External parasites. Not internal. Worms dont have exoskeletons. It doesn't even work well on external either.

I will never accept info as fact from a homestead blog or website.
Thanks. I'll keep at it. The flies are attracted to her because of the mess from the gleet so this may be an ongoing process. I did catch the gleet pretty early on but it's taking time to heal.
Get this:
Thank you all so much for your concern. I'm very appreciative of the advice and not confused or scared off, I just don't spend a lot of time on my phone and I was out of cell range for some time today. I'll post an update later on her progress and what I've done in case it might help someone else.
I picked off the ones I could get but they were quick to go back inside her. They come out after her baths so I'll bathe her again and be ready with a tweezers.

No injury other than the sore vent but there are flies everywhere this time of year.
Unfortunately it's a process to get them all. Just keep up what you're doing. You could try searching for "chicken fly strike treatment" as well.

A good preventative measure is to do frequent "butt checks". I check my girls twice a week.

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