Vent Gleet


10 Years
May 30, 2014
Aberdeen, SD
I'm hoping for some advice. A couple weeks ago I made the switch to Fermented Feed, and I'm now noticing what I'm pretty sure is vent gleet in at least one of my girls and possibly another one. The food smells and looks like its supposed to, but I'm wondering if its somehow "off" and I made them sick??? Tomorrow Im doing round two of soaking (its supposed to be hot out, so maybe they won't mind as much?) and then I will try an over the counter yeast infection treatment and see if that helps. I put ACV in their water fairly regularly, but I will add a bit more for awhile as well. I have a perscription Diflucan pill that I thought about crushing part of into their food, but I'm afraid that would be to strong?
Any advice on the food or the vent troubles would be appreciated. Thanks!!!!
I haven't. I haven't seen any actual worms, but August was really wet here so that could be it too. Would worming them stress them out even more?or should I try that first you think?
Ok, I will pick up some wormer today. The one hen is way nastier than the rest, do you think I should try an antifungal of some sort at the same time too?
Is she still active? Eating and drinking? If she is I would worm all the hens, clean all the dirty stuff each hen as you worm them. Then you will know for sure if the worming stopped all of the nastiness.

You will find Safeguard in the cattle or goat section of animal supplies.

Keep us posted, we don't like folks having sick chickens!
She is very active, her usual bossy self. If it wasn't for the nasty butt I don't think I'd know anything was wrong. The egg laying is pretty inconsistent, but the three I have laying all started in the last month so I guess I wasn't too worried about that yet. I'm running out to get wormer, so I'll let you know how it goes.
I'm hoping for some advice. A couple weeks ago I made the switch to Fermented Feed, and I'm now noticing what I'm pretty sure is vent gleet in at least one of my girls and possibly another one. The food smells and looks like its supposed to, but I'm wondering if its somehow "off" and I made them sick??? Tomorrow Im doing round two of soaking (its supposed to be hot out, so maybe they won't mind as much?) and then I will try an over the counter yeast infection treatment and see if that helps. I put ACV in their water fairly regularly, but I will add a bit more for awhile as well. I have a perscription Diflucan pill that I thought about crushing part of into their food, but I'm afraid that would be to strong?
Any advice on the food or the vent troubles would be appreciated. Thanks!!!!
You can give them diflucan orally, but the dose is pretty small, 10-20mg per 2.2 pounds. The pills I have are 100mg and those I usually break into quarters and give piece a day for a few days.

Oh thanks for the advice on the diflucan, I can break the pills into quarters easily enough. I think I will try that for Louise, my girl with the nasty butt, and worm all the girls with safeguard. Its very wet here and they dig in the dirt and compost a lot, so I probably should have wormed them earlier.

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