Vent protection from blowing snow

"Dude" is non-denominational now, it can apply to anybody. Also, I'd be so disappointed if after all those years, Moonie and aart had never met (well "met" in the online sense anyway). So he probably knows (...right?)
Yer probably right. Dude. šŸ˜†
Here are some before and after pics of my run and outside the coop and run (my husband did the work while I was at work)


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Windiest city in the country, so it can blow pretty hard :lol: But I always thought "vent" was an odd word to use to refer to a chicken's butthole (egghole? everythinghole?) Just invites accidental humor like this.
In my defense I don't have any traditional coops so ya I don't usually think of those vents when I see the word on here.
Er, Moonie... Aart is a lady. šŸ˜‚ Not a dude.
Yes of course I know her and that she's a lady.
In my book Aart is a no nonsense, no BS, no candy coating, tell you like it is and kick you in the venthole if you need it type of person.
That qualifies her as a "dude" to me. And she knows me so it's all good.
Very clever! I remember seeing this a while back, thinking it was a good idea, but then I completely forgot about it. Worth a try! Do you leave the furnace filler there all winter, or do you only put it up for storms?
Leave them up all winter, they are a bear to install 12' up.
I usually take them down for summer, but didn't last year,
not sure that was detrimental as the upper windows are open all summer.

"Dude" is non-denominational now
Don't think religion ever had anything to do with it,
but in my book 'Dude' has always been gender neutral ;)
...a term of endearment.

she's a lady.
Friend of mine and I used to say....I'm a Woman, not a Girl, and sure the F no Lady.

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