Ventilation In Metal Shed Coop


In the Brooder
Mar 16, 2018
Hi guys! I am a newbie to this page but have been a chicken mama for about 2 years now. Our flock has grown as of the last 2 weeks (chick math) so we decided to buy a metal shed, got a awesome deal so couldn’t pass it up! We want to be sure we add adequate ventilation & windows to the coop so the girls get sunlight and so forth! Does anyone have advice on how we should do this as well as where do we put the windows? Do we add them up high or where the chickens can see out of them? I want to use the windows that I can close off with like shutters (wood) or prop open! Any other suggestions for making this large metal shed a cozy home to our chickens is greatly appreciated! We do plan on adding plywood walls and we already have the floor built out of wood and plan on using a large sheet of lenolemn we got on sale for the cover on the floor! I use sand in my current coop and love it! Would love to see pics of ur ideas or coops as well :) looking forward to interacting with all of the other chicken parents on here!!
Hi guys! I am a newbie to this page but have been a chicken mama for about 2 years now. Does anyone have advice on how we should do this as well as where do we put the windows?
Hello , I like Ventilation windows up on the front top of the coop , They should be open most all of the time .
To just add more fresh Air when it is hot ..put it on the 2 sides at least ..Leaving the back closed ( may be more insulating) or Put one on the back also if you want .
Windows can add light to the coop ..and they will lay better in the winter if you have light . Put windows at the level you like or can reach or high enough so it isnt real easy for predators
I have some concern about a metal building - over heating ..Is it in the sun or in shade ?
The way the shed is build it is between our home & another large storage building so it’s not sitting out in the middle of the yard with no trees. Also they won’t be spending much time in it during he day as they have an entire acre to free range and that is usually what they choose to do. I also plan on making the entire front something like this so that in the winter I can close off & summer I can keep open for ventilation! Metal wouldn’t have been my first choice either but we already have a wood coop we spend well over $1500 on and this will be an extension to that one. We just added to our flock family by 11 I will post a pic of my idea below!


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what part of the world do you live in?

Someplace super hot... it sure is nice to have most of the building in super strong hardware cloth with minimal walls.

Lots of rain and super big eaves are nice to keep the rain out...

both hot and cold and it is nice to have the front wall mostly wire and the other walls mostly solid. :old
Please Specify..what you insulated it with and what were the problems you had before you insulated it

When you don't insulate metal you tend to get condensation on the inside. The condensation will lead to mold and frostbite.

Also, uninsulated metal in a cold climate would be impressively horribly cold.
what part of the world do you live in?

Someplace super hot... it sure is nice to have most of the building in super strong hardware cloth with minimal walls.

Lots of rain and super big eaves are nice to keep the rain out...

both hot and cold and it is nice to have the front wall mostly wire and the other walls mostly solid. :old
Good to know all of this! We planned on putting a lot of hardware cloth around it but leaving the ability to close it off come winter time. We live in North Carolina in the US so have moderate to hot summers and basically lows in the 20’s in the winter with the occasional snow storm!

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