Ventura Grain - Taunton, Ma.


10 Years
Sep 11, 2009
Dartmouth, Ma
has anyone had any experience with this feed mill.
they produce their own chicken feed and it's very affordable, 100 lbs for $18.
is it quality feed or should i stay away?
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Wow right down the street from me. Ive been using it for years, Very Very Very Good Feed 100% go for them!
I do show birds nice feathers and eggs
just bought this feed yesterday for the 1st time-have been using purina for the last year. Chickens looooove the ventura! Nice that it is local, fresh and not from a huge corporation!!
I've been using Ventura feed on my flock since they were baby chicks. Used the medicated pulverized feed for the first five months and switched over to the pellets just as they started to lay. The chickens love the stuff. I've been buying the 50 lb sacks at $12.61 a bag, but I plan on buying larger quantities to save. I heard of one buyer who was getting the feed for $75/ton. If I can find a couple of people willing to split the load, I am willing to buy that much (if I can find the storage). I live in Raynham, MA, which is right next to Taunton. Ventura is about 4 miles from my place.
do you all know if they add the needed supplements, vitamins etc.? I just saw a recall of Purina due to no vitamin D added to the feed which it said can cause bone breakage. Just wondering if Ventura adds these needed things?

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