
Hi fellow Vermonters!
I live in Ripton Vermont. I currently have 10 chickens, 4 mixed roos, hens-white leghorn, NHR, black sexlink, and 2 split black lavender ?? and one lav orp?? Along with 16 lavender orp eggs in the incubator (a little worried that with the storm power may be an issue).
LilyD- If I didn't already have 4 roos that had to go I would grab him. My DH is not appreciating all the crowing around here
Yeah mine either. I have him and two Buff Orpington Roos that are 9 weeks. The buffs haven't crowed yet though. I am going to keep two roosters but they will have to be quiet enough because we have a noise ordinance even though we are zoned as agricultural/residential. If the neighbors complain then they have to go. Hoping I can have some nice quiet boys hehe (wishful thinking right. My main roo so far hardly ever crows the rest are all 9 weeks and under. Going to keep on brahma boy and one delly boy and other than that the rest will have to go to freezer camp unless someone wants them for breeding. My son is super attached to that little EE though and so I was trying to find him a home rather than us eating them. If they decide to eat him it's okay as long as they don't tell me. I just can't do it because my son would probably never eat chicken again lol.
How'd everyone do through the storm?

LilyD & Keara; I saw some pretty impressive road damage coming out of Bristol, did you get any flooding?

Richmond got hit fairly hard with water, but we did not have the devastation they got south of us. Our home is high enough that we were ok, although it was a bit scary Sunday night and Monday morning. The lower village of Richmond and surrounding low lands will be a long time in recovering and a lot of crops and at least one home are going to be lost.
Glad to hear that you did ok.

There were crews of volunteers in Richmond helping clean out the town offices and teen center that got flooded, as well as helping the 10-20 homes that ended up with water in the basements and 1st floors. I'm hoping I might get to put in a few hours on a crew this weekend if they still need help, I would take time off from work now but my manager is out for the week and I'm covering both our jobs.

Anyone know of anyone who needs help, chicken related or otherwise? Temporary shelter for birds or kids clothes/toys? (I have a 2 yr old girl) I don't have much to offer, but happy to lend a hand if I can.
We had flooding in Bristol where the bridges go over the water but the waters have gone down quite a bit. We didn't lose power but my peach tree got flattened. All my girls weathered it okay though.
Hi everyone! Last Friday a very nice lady brought in a rooster to my work (small animal vet) that had been hanging around her neighborhood for a couple days. He had been attacked by her dog, but luckily escaped with minor wounds (one fairly deep wound in his lower back). We trimmed his feathers, flushed the wound, and glued it back together! He has been on antibiotics, and is doing well. However, I cannot keep him because I already have one rooster (plus, I have no room in my coop!) He seems really young (doesn't make a ton of noise yet!) easy to handle, although I am guessing he may be a RIR. He is only 3-4 lb right now. I can post a pic if anyone is interested, and I'm not against someone taking him and eating him later, as long as he is treated well until you do so. Oh, and, I'm in Bristol. Thanks!
Depending on the size I might be able to take him can you post a picture? He would probably be eaten eventually but not for quite a while if he is only 3 pounds

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