vertigo--results "Meneire's disease"

It occured to me tonight that your vertigo started about about the time you took custody of Mike. I suspect a Mike allergy, so I took the liberty of researching it for you:

Vertigo (from the Latin vertigin-, vertigo, "dizziness," originally "a whirling or spinning movement," from vertô "I turn"[1]) is a specific type of dizziness, a major symptom of a Mike Rowe allergy. It is the sensation of spinning or swaying while the body is actually stationary with respect to the surroundings.

The effects of vertigo may be slight. It can cause nausea and vomiting and, in severe cases, it may give rise to difficulties with standing and walking.

Vertigo is qualified as Mike Rowe allergy when referring to dizziness triggered by close contact with Mike. "Vertigo" is often used, incorrectly, to describe the fear of Mike Rowe, but the correct term for this is Rowecaphobia.

No need to thank me G. It's the least I can do for ya.
it's not rowephobe or dirtyitus.... it's Meniere's disease.... just got back from the dr.

that's in lay man's terms: fluid in ear that gets to be too much and the bones in ear don't let that sac expand hence pushing on/ fullness in ear that makes the vertigo/dizziness.

and first we are going with the drink more water, change the diuretic I'm on, and less salt intake and no more mez. dizzy pills unless i'm having a really really bad episode since the mez. kills brain transmitters apparently and makes my body think i need it to walk.

it's a life long ill and I don't like the diagnosis one bit.

I go see him again in a month... at that time we see how I am.

Some of the further treatments he talked about was brain surgery-clipping the neurotransmitters that tell my body I am wobbly.

He said he did not recommend the treatment where they remove the inner ear because you'll loose all hearing in that ear and if the other gets meniere's then you won't be able to walk again. Told of one 80 year old patient at Mayo that had the surgery to one ear, now has it in the other, fell down and broke bones and she'll never be able to get her balance back again because once the ear is gone... it's gone and there's nothing to bring it back after a surgery like that. So best to stay away from the surgery and try all other possible options.

So looks like I have some research to do...

sigh...and here I thought I was just going to have them tell me something was blocked and irrigate my ear out, put my on antibiotics and send me on my way.


*cuz i typed age instead of are. duh.
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Sorry, don't know how I've missed this. Ugh - I'm sorry what you've been going through. I was told last year that I probably have early stages of Meneire's disease. I was waking up in the middle of the night motion sick because everything was spinning around me.

I'm interested to follow this to see your treatment plan. BTW - Kristin Chenoweth has Meneire's and still manages to do Broadway. I have no idea how she manages to sing and dance during bouts of it, but she does.
Man I'm sorry to hear that G!

Also, sorry I misplaced Mike. I'm such a scatterbrain! Then again y'all pass him around so much, like a boytoy, I forget who has him when.

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