Very aggressive Sapphire OE attacking my BLP


Crest Craver
Jun 6, 2020
Crest Country
My Coop
My Coop
My sapphire OE, Pearl, keeps pecking my BLP, Soufflé. Since today Soufflé goes up into the sleeping area in the coop whenever she sees Pearl. Soufflé is missing a bunch of feathers on her back, tail, neck, and crest (mostly tail/back). She had some feathers that bled in her tail, no longer actively bleeding. She is very hungry and sleepy, as Pearl doesn’t let her eat (pecks her until she leaves the food) or sleep (pecks her when she's sleeping, reaches across the roost to peck her crest). Soufflé doesn't preen much, but idk if that's because she doesn't want to or because she's missing most of the feathers above her preening gland. Pearl started laying last Friday, and the aggressive behavior started a few days after she laid. Currently, Soufflé is inside with me and I'm feeding her. How can I make Pearl stop being aggressive? Any suggestions are welcome, and thank you in advance!
After having 2 vicious wyandottes who were major head peckers--despite having plenty of room in a very large run-- I now have a zero tolerance policy for nasty hens who are making another chicken's life miserable. They get a one way trip to the vet. My moral duty is to protect the victim and foster a pleasant life for all of the chickens rather than try to accommodate the bad apple.

I love my Polish but they do need regular haircuts to allow them to see normally. I started doing that when I saw them looking down all the time because their vision was being obscured by their head feathers. I would definitely give your girl a haircut so she is not further compromised.
I give my girl haircuts pretty regularly. My coop is 8x3 feet in the bottom and 5'6" tall. I'm thinking of adding an extra area to the coop after the rain lets out. Although Pearl is vicious, I won't bring her to the vet, I don't have the heart to do that. I was thinking about spraying Soufflé with something bitter, but I don't know what to use
I give my girl haircuts pretty regularly. My coop is 8x3 feet in the bottom and 5'6" tall. I'm thinking of adding an extra area to the coop after the rain lets out. Although Pearl is vicious, I won't bring her to the vet, I don't have the heart to do that. I was thinking about spraying Soufflé with something bitter, but I don't know what to use

When you say 8x3 is that the coop (generally enclosed housing meant for egg laying and sleeping) or the run (fenced in outdoor space)? Or is your unit a combination of both? Photos would really help.

If it's a coop only, how big is the run? If this is the run (or a combined space) it's too small + too narrow for 3 birds, and you're seeing the consequences of that. Birds stressed for space can turn on each other, and using sprays or haircuts or pinless peepers may help reduce it, but ultimately won't solve the base problem.
I will send pictures later, the coop design is confusing to explain
Why pics are always best :D

Would help to know, is is winter or summer where you are?
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
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