Very sick chick. Need help/advice

I have no experience with crop problems, but I wonder if a recent hen's death would be crop related. We have had a number of deaths, mostly chicks from the same hatch that I got from a breeder, and they had the same symptoms. For those chickens, I think one of our vaccinated hens sheds Mareks and the local chicks died from it. Lost 6 of 8 chicks at various ages. My hen who passed last weekend died suddenly. She seemed fine one evening, eating and acting normally. The next morning I found her out in the run, roosting on top of her feet but on the ground, shivering. Her comb was very dark and turning purplish in places, which indicates an oxygen shortage but she was not gasping or wheezing. Her crop was full and felt like a sand filled balloon, I could massage it a little but it was not soft at all. I got some water in her, did a little massage on her crop (upright position only), checked for a bound egg (none), then put her under the heat lamp. She died a few hours later. She had no sour smell and was eating just fine the night before. I took fecals in to the vet from our other chickens and everything was negative. Do you think this could have been a crop problem?
You might want to read this, but, yes, it sounds like your hen had impacted crop.
Unfortunately, the gurgling was the chick had aspirated, water went into the esophagus. It is very easy to happen. Cocci can not be ruled out but sometimes chicks just fail to thrive. I would give all chicks a 3-5 day round of Corid, it won't hurt. Very sorry you had to go through that, its never easy loosing a chick.
Unfortunately, the gurgling was the chick had aspirated, water went into the esophagus. It is very easy to happen. Cocci can not be ruled out but sometimes chicks just fail to thrive. I would give all chicks a 3-5 day round of Corid, it won't hurt. Very sorry you had to go through that, its never easy loosing a chick.

Thanks for the sympathy. Unfortunately we have another chick sick right now with similar symptoms. Still having difficulty standing up, shaking, gaping her mouth and shaking her head. So whatever it is, it seems like it is something communicable. Wish we knew what was causing this so we could protect all of our chicks.
That's what we were just talking about being a possiblity. We tried all of our pet stores nearby for chicken antibiotics but no luck. We are going to try a feed store tomorrow morning. Just praying this chick can hold on! Thanks so much for all of your help. We have really been struggling reading through tons of books trying to sort out what is going on, but you have been really helpful
That's what we were just talking about being a possiblity. We tried all of our pet stores nearby for chicken antibiotics but no luck. We are going to try a feed store tomorrow morning. Just praying this chick can hold on! Thanks so much for all of your help. We have really been struggling reading through tons of books trying to sort out what is going on, but you have been really helpful
Sorry for your loss. The poop picture you posted earlier looks like it might have been coccidiosis, so I would get some Corid, Amprol, or AmproMed and treat all of them if any of the poop looks like this.

Powder dose is no less than 1.5 teaspoons per gallon for 5 days, then 1/3 teaspoon per gallon for 7-14 days.

Liquid dose is 2 teaspoons per gallon for 5 days, then 1/2 teaspoon per gallon for 7-14 days.

corid_9_6_1.jpg corid_20_powder (Small).jpg ampromed_p.jpg amprol_1.jpg amprol.jpg
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