Very sick chick


Aug 27, 2017
I ordered chicks from tractor supply and received them 4 days ago. I went on a trip and when I got back two were dead and a third was dragging. She has a decreased heart rate and wont eat. Her legs are fine but she stumbles a few steps and then falls over. She has gone downhill very quickly.


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Are their droppings bloody at all? Give them some electrolyte water. If they won't drink, drip it onto their beak with a dropper. See if you can get them to eat a little, but hydration is more important.
Are their droppings bloody at all? Give them some electrolyte water. If they won't drink, drip it onto their beak with a dropper. See if you can get them to eat a little, but hydration is more important.
It's just one chick. Her poop is normal and she won't take electrolyte water. She did eat an egg yolk earlier but now she won't eat or drink
Make sure it’s warm (heat lamp ) and has excess to water and food and offer it to her on a Qtip. You can add water to chick feed to make it easier to go down.
I hope she gets better
She may be stumbling because she is weak. How long were you gone? Did you leave someone to take care of them (change bedding, water, food daily, maintain appropriate temperature, and check their health)? Don't hold her often as it may stress her out more. Keep her in a quiet, dark place and continue to check on her. Make sure it isn't too hot or too cold and that she has the ability to move away from the heat. Give her the regular feed (you could add some water to make it a mash, but that will have to be replaced at least once a day). Make sure the bedding is clean. I would agree with getting her to drink some probiotic water. That will help boost her strength. Keep us updated!
She may be stumbling because she is weak. How long were you gone? Did you leave someone to take care of them (change bedding, water, food daily, maintain appropriate temperature, and check their health)? Don't hold her often as it may stress her out more. Keep her in a quiet, dark place and continue to check on her. Make sure it isn't too hot or too cold and that she has the ability to move away from the heat. Give her the regular feed (you could add some water to make it a mash, but that will have to be replaced at least once a day). Make sure the bedding is clean. I would agree with getting her to drink some probiotic water. That will help boost her strength. Keep us updated!
Thank you so much. I have tried everything that you listed and unfortunately she is dying.

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