Very sick chicken, need help!

The AviVital has vitamins, electrolytes, amino acids while the B complex has most B vitamins. You can use either, but if she is earing and drinking, the B complex would be better. If she is not eating and drinking, use the AviVital, which is similar to our Poultry NutriDrench.
I gave her some coconut oil, and I have been hearing a gurgling type noise from her. It's like if a human has an upset stomach, or is hungry. SH eis now eating lettuces as well as her normal foods.
Birds are so fragile and can go downhill very fast. It's good to have the support from this forum. People are so knowledgeable and helpful. Soft food is good to feed too, especially hand fed, then you know how much she's eaten. I think when poo is green like Jets is, it shows she's not eaten. I'm sure I read that, so maybe it will be different now. Did you mix in some raw egg in her food? Got protein and vitamins in it. I do hope she picks up soon. They are such a worry.
Thank you, I would have no idea about how to help her without this forum. It helped me help my eggbound hen pass her egg, and helped me learn about chickens in the first place.
Jet's poop is normal again apart from a bit of mucus-like stuff in it. She's eating more; lettuce and grain as well as the coconut oil, which she was keen on. I gave her scrambled egg.
She is also sleeping with her head under her wing during the day sometimes- I'm supposing that is good for her to rest and heal?

I have been hearing a gurgling type noise from her. It's like if a human has an upset stomach, or is hungry.

I let here out for vitamin d today, she is still wanting to sleep in the sun, is that ok?
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The gurgling that we hear is bowel sounds, so probably the same thing you are hearing in your hen. They will typically bury their beak under a wing when they don’t feel well. She probably is tired due to her primary problem, if it is internal laying. She may have good days and some not so good. I would just try to keep her comfortable and eating, and let her do as much as she wants. My older hens with this usually want to be near their flock, even if they are just lying around watching the others. Glad that she is passing droppings better.
The gurgling that we hear is bowel sounds, so probably the same thing you are hearing in your hen. They will typically bury their beak under a wing when they don’t feel well. She probably is tired due to her primary problem, if it is internal laying. She may have good days and some not so good. I would just try to keep her comfortable and eating, and let her do as much as she wants. My older hens with this usually want to be near their flock, even if they are just lying around watching the others. Glad that she is passing droppings better.
I think that it is sour crop. She has a liquid filled crop and the head jerking with vomiting. I found a vet who will treat chickens- we are going today.
Did the vet help Jet? If it was sour crop they have to operate on it don't they? I saw it on a vet programme here and the stuff in that crop was dreadful! I do hope she's better and scratching and pecking with the rest of her flock!

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