Very sick hen - Warning, Contains Very Nasty, Grapic Necropsy Pictures - Updated


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Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Jun 24, 2012
The Golden State
Found standing like a penguin, very thin, lots of fluid in her belly. Drained some fluid and was able to palpate lumps in her abdominal cavity that shouldn't be there. This is what the fluid looked like:

There was more in there, but I couldn't get it out. Will start on antibiotics, but will cull if I don't see a drastic improvement in 2-3 days. Note the color... seems to be blood in it.

This is an egg that was stuck for many months:

My best guess is that it started as just one egg and the eggs kept coming down the pipe and it grew into this.

I have to say Kathy that your necropsy pictures are incredible and give us all great insight into issues that can affect our chickens...such detail and explanation..

Thank you for posting!

Sorry you lost your girl but she is at peace confirms that there was no way she could ever recover from what it was affecting her health...

I am glad I ate my dinner some few hours ago...and it was not chicken thankfully!

A: Glad I am finished with dinner.

B:Thanks to the amazing pictures! Do you have any opinions about scalding and plucking before necropsies?
I have plucked a few befor necropsy, but that was so I could take educational pictures different things, like how to do subcutaneous fluids. For those that are curious, here are the pictures of that:

Insert needle and watch that it doesn't poke back out or you will get wet, lol. Slowly depress plunger and look for leaks. If no leaks, give fluids.

This way the size of the bubble after 75ml.

Here you can see how it's spread under the skin.

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Hope she improves. My girl is doing very well so far,she has been drained once,given antibiotics for infection(more to prevent infection from draining than anything else)then given milk thistle for liver support. Her urates are turning white,she is preening,dust bathing and eating better,but initially the only thing she would eat is meat and fish,any kind of meat/fish and homemade turkey soup,she refused all feed. I allow her to walk around home,b/c i have personally found they often do better when allowed to move as opposed to being confined,her sister is inside also to keep her company,they will be inside for this winter.
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Hope she improves. My girl is doing very well so far,she has been drained once,given antibiotics for infection(more to prevent infection from draining than anything else)then given milk thistle for liver support. Her urates are turning white,she is preening,dust bathing and eating better,but initially the only thing she would eat is meat and fish,any kind of meat/fish and homemade turkey soup,she refused all feed. I allow her to walk around home,b/c i have personally found they often do better when allowed to move as opposed to being confined,her sister is inside also to keep her company,they will be inside for this winter.
Thanks... I fear my gal is not long for this world.

Glad your's is on the mend. I have drained a few and had them live for quite some time after, but the ones with the big "masses" don't seem to do as well.


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