Very sick peacock - Two siblings already dead

[COLOR=333333]Been to the vets, they're really nice, however they can't get a hold of Octozin, but they are going to make something up for him to try and help him. They said whether it's too far down the road for him is a different case to if he makes him better. An[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]yhow I am taking him in to the surgery because they need to see him before handing out anything. In the meantime I will look for some cayenne pepper and such, just to help...[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]UPDATE - Have some chili, not entirely sure what to do with it. We are taking him to the vets in about half an hour. [/COLOR]

Ask the vet for:
metronidazole for the histomoniasis (blackhead) - dose is no less than 30mg/kg once a day for five days.
Baytril, Clavamox, or something to treat the probable secondary e. Coli infection

Also have them sell you supplies for tube feeding and have them show you how to do it. Size 18 French or larger tube is what I would recommend. Just show them this post.

Ask the vet for:
metronidazole for the histomoniasis (blackhead) - dose is no less than 30mg/kg once a day for five days.
Baytril, Clavamox, or something to treat the probable secondary e. Coli infection

Also have them sell you supplies for tube feeding and have them show you how to do it. Size 18 French or larger tube is what I would recommend. Just show them this post.

I think that's what he gave me
They weighed him, and he only weighed 2 kg, poor lad. The vet said that he has made up a liquid version of it, and it is to be given 1ml a day, by syringe. After his first dose that the vet gave him, he seems so much more active, despite his little moments where he squeals in pain and immediately qoes to sleep afterwards. He can run and is much more keen to eat/drink, so hopefully he makes it.
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Glad you were able to take him and hope he gets better! Did your vet also give him any wormer? If not, call them back and talk about it.

How is he today?

He is still having his ups and downs, but after he had his meds at about 12, he perked up a whole lot. He regained his appetite and thirst, however; I noticed that after he poops he seems to be in a bit of pain and insists on either going to sleep there and then, or cuddling up to me to keep warm. This evening after he pooped (again yellow, but with a solid brown poop in the middle - incredibly pungent) he went straight to cuddle me for at least half an hour.

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