VERY SICK Rescued Hens in Quarantine

Hello!! Seeing the vet today. I did a feces egg float exam and these girls are free of internal parasites. They do however have scaly leg mites but I am treating them and its grtting better. None of them have bubbly watery eyes anymore!!! And only one seems to really have a bad respiratory infection. The others rarely cough or sneeze as much anymore. I am very excited for these girls. One started to dust bathe in some diatomaceous earth and that made me really happy. They couldnt dust bathe or sunbathe before... I'm glad to hear they are improving!

With some extra TLC, vitamins, sunshine and a nutritionally balanced diet, hopefully they will all recover and live a full and happy life
Hello again. They are being given ivermectin for legs and head lice. As well as an antibiotic for humans for respiratory infection mycoplpasmpa called Doxycycline hyclat. They will be good soon. The vet said my hens should be good as long as stress is kept to a minimum. Yay! Thank you all for the support. I'll update again eventually.
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