Very skittish chickens


In the Brooder
May 22, 2023
After a bear ate some of my chickens they have all been extremely skittish. Its at the point that when I let them out of the run they are hard to impossible to get back in until it gets dark. They will scatter to the woods when anyone is within 50' of them. This is not how they were before the bear attack. Before the bear I could let them out and as soon as they saw me they would gather around me hoping for food. Now its almost the exact opposite. I'm wondering does anyone have a time frame till they get back to normal or is this the new normal? Or any advice on how I can get them not so scared of people? Thank you.
have you tried sitting still with their treats and letting them come to you? i may take months for them to start trusting again or maybe a few days just depends on the chickens but thats how i normally get the trust of ones i bring home
I will try that this weekend and see how they do. right now when I go to collect the eggs they run to the far corner of the run, which is so opposite of how they use to act. Hopefully they can start trusting again sooner rather than later. I hate to see them so skittish, but I can understand why they are this way.
I will try that this weekend and see how they do. right now when I go to collect the eggs they run to the far corner of the run, which is so opposite of how they use to act. Hopefully they can start trusting again sooner rather than later. I hate to see them so skittish, but I can understand why they are this way.
let me know how it goes! just take your time. i like to use bird seed and just sit on a milk crate with the seed around

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