Very small weak chick

The pet store doesn't have it, I'd have to check with the vet clinic in the next largest town.
You might be able to use some infant baby food, but I don't know which types would be best. Maybe make a meat, veggie, cereal mix, but please research that, 'cause I haven't a clue.

I do have infant formula. I'm always rescuing animals so I keep it on hand. But because she's not a mammal I thought it would be to hard in her digestive system,
You might also wanna try some small meal worms or crickets, those you can force feed if she doesn't want to eat them on her own.

I mixed up se powdered milk and it think she's drinking it. How often should I dip her beak?? Every 1/2 hr or so? I actually can't believe she's still alive. Literally every hr I think this is the end and she keeps proving me wrong . I wish I had someone here who had experience to help. Live close to Canada Kathy??? Lol

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