Vet cost rant

Be careful with horse wormers. The concentration of active ingredients can be different than the dog wormers. I personally know a woman that accidentally killed her pets with horse wormer (dogs and cats) because her calculations were off. Ivermectin can be particularly deadly and easy to overdose in a dog.
I agree. It sounds like it is time for a new vet. Farm vets are the best. In our area, the farm vets charge way less than the townie vets. Even if you don't live in a rural area, it may be worth the drive to go to a farm vet. I use a farm vet. He has experience with small and large animals. I love that vet! My friends that live in the city and the burbs are astounded when they realise that I pay half (or less) than what they pay. All of my animals go to the farm vet, except Leo. He has to go to a neurologist for his seizures. I thank God he has doggie health insurance.

If you don't have a farm vet within driving distance (or even if you do), doggie health insurance is a good investment. We have come out way ahead with Leo's bills. It was cheap at $24.95 a month, and they pay $220/year towards vaccinations, spaying, neutering, teeth cleaning, frontline, heartworm prevention, microchipping and anything considered preventive. After the $220 for that stuff, I only pay about $80 a year, and Leo gets major medical coverage. People rolled their eyes at me when I bought it, but since Leo came down with adult onset hydrocephalus and started having seizures, nobody is laughing now.

Good luck with your dogs.
Also, collies and dogs with collie blood are apparently much more sensitive to ivermectin, and can be killed by doses that would be appropriate for other dogs.

BTW, Shellie, if you are looking for a farm animal vet, ask at the local feed store(s).

Has any one else here ever heard of using pumpkin seeds as a wormer? grandma used to give it to my mom and siblings...they say it works..
I believe Speckledhen uses crushed pumpkin seeds for her chickens.

We're just at the end of an approximately $500 laceration on our Boxer's paw, so I feel your pain.

They are only charging us for meds now, but we're in close to $100 on meds.

I used to work in an animal clinic, I did the ordering, and some of the costs for the meds were so high for us, we basically just upped the price enough to cover the shipping. It was a very small farm vet, and sadly enough, he retired last year. His prices were so reasonable, and I got a break because I used to work there.

I mix a healthy dose of DE into our Boxer's soft food about once a month. His fecals have been clean. DE does NOTHING for the worms in our feral and barn cat population. I don't even bother using it anymore. I just stop up at the vet and pick up a bunch of wormer, about every 4 months, and catch them one by one. Some cats, I have to wear welding gloves for, LOL.

Good luck-

I don't mind paying good money to a good honest Vet. I know they need to pay the bills, and make a living just like anyone else. But that said, I believe a Honest and affordable vet will make twice the money a more expensive vet would, due to repeat business & referrals. My livestock Vet is a great man. he is affordable, truly cares about your animals and will tell you when to treat it yourself. He is booked to the max. He does not overcharge his clients, is trip charge is like $30 or so and if you schedule with others in the area he divides it up between you. He got me giving injections to my animals so i'd only have to buy the meds and not have a return visit for a booster shot. If I can treat it myself, he tells me and how, if he needs to come out he's here and i gladly pay him for his service because of the respect I have for him, and I trust him.'Ive had him out many a time on dark rainy nights for hours because one of my horses looked off. I wish to God he treated chickens, but he will call in meds if I need them or meet me on the road corner on his way through town so I can get some from him and I can call for his professional opinion. I have Vets that I liked, but after being charged an office visit of $50 for a baby peachick, and they wanted $500 to fix the leg or paid $175 for my roo who was sick to have a few expensive tests done and a fecal that came back fine and too keep giving meds i was already giving him.
Also wanted like $500 to fix my male potbellies, right. I will pay gladly for honest services with honest charges and afford ably charged meds but it Really gets my nickers in a knot when they are so overcharging.
Vet prices . . . yeesh. I will drive out of my way to find a good country vet. I don't know what's wrong with the city vets . . . I guess the city people are just willing to pay more money, so they get away with it.
Also, the vet is usually a last resort for me. Some people tell me I should be willing to pay routine or emergency vet bill, and that if I'm not, I shouldn't have animals. Well, the doctor is a last resort for me, too, so you can't say I don't treat my animals as well as myself.
Well this vet is in the country fact as I was sitting there waiting for them to bring out the pills, a gal came in with a baby Llama and sat next to me. She was the cutest thing, only a week old.
thank you Mangled...crushed pumpkin seeds?...cooked or raw?..its getting to be pumpkin time here..and i am thinking of trying it for a preventive...thanks so much, Wendy
Be careful with horse wormers. The concentration of active ingredients can be different than the dog wormers. I personally know a woman that accidentally killed her pets with horse wormer (dogs and cats) because her calculations were off. Ivermectin can be particularly deadly and easy to overdose in a dog.

Thanks for the info! I don't use any Ivermectin. I just use the Strongid Paste, pyrantel pamoate, which is the same medicine we prescribe for humans. It isn't specific for tape worms but pretty much covers all the others. I am a nurse, so I have a pretty good idea about conversions for meds and I haven't had any trouble yet, so the cheap stuff it is!

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