Vet school


12 Years
Oct 1, 2007
Medina, OH
I have found that BYC members are pretty good at giving me ideas and opinions so I am looking for it again.

I have always wanted to have another job/career to fall back on and I decided that once things settle down and my daughter is older, I'd like to go back to school part time for something. I thought about Financial Planning but I have a degree in Accounting and want to do something different from numbers. I love animals and part of me has always wanted to be a Vet. The other part of me is the sickness and death aspect. I'd end up with millions of animals and doing work for free. But, I think I'd enjoy the education in that field and if I ever need to find something else to do, I'll have that to fall back on.

And in all honesty, I am one of those weirdos that really enjoys a structured education and I kind of miss school.

Your thoughts and ideas?
If I were you, I wouldn't hesitate to go back to school. I just read about an 85 year old that graduated college. It's never too late. I say go for it!!
I think you should do it!! Go for it!!
lfoose, I've heard that vet school is even more rigorous than human med school. I mean, extremely taxing. If you enjoy reading, I would suggest going to the animal section in your library and getting a few books on the veterinarian school and career. I've read several, but can't think of the names of them...
You say you enjoy school, but how about the tuition bills that would come with it? We have a very good vet school here in Kansas, but I've heard it's kind of tough to get into...especially if you're not an in state student. What about vet tech school? Would be less years of school and cheaper to obtain your degree.
Go for it! Vet school is very hard but if its something you want to do then do it. Just a suggestion..start applying for all kinds of scholarships just search at your library and online, it will save you tons of money.
i say go for it, too - and if you're daunted by the number of years (and ginormous tuition bills when you're done), i agree with the poster who suggested vet tech school. i was a vet tech for years, LOVED it some days, HATED it some days. but always loved the animals. i can definitely say, though - you're not going to get rich, either as a vet (unless you go into a specialty, and that = more school and even higher tuition) or a vet tech. but it's rewarding in it's own way.

good luck!!!!!
I'm agreeing with Katy, vet tech school is just as satisfying, takes less time and money and can possibly help you get into vet school later.
Go back! Have fun! I'm a school loving psycho though... first 13 years + 4 in engineering and now working on the 6 for a PhD.....

I considered vet school at one time but decided against it for a few reasons.

1) I love working with animals, BUT animals come with owners, and you have to deal with upset owners for 90% of the time.

2) Biosecurity reasons depending on the vet field you get into. I want my own animals, and if I deal with so many sick ones all over, I risk my own. If you work in industry with poultry, you are required to have no small flock contact.

3) The big $$$. I would come out of it wtih too much debt and went for the research route where they pay me to go to school.

4) The type of students I'd have to be working wtih. Vet school is more competitive than med school due to fewer schools in the country that have certified programs. There are a good number of back stabbing, grade grabbing, slide uner the table students in pre vet/pre med, and it really does take away from the experience. So that's why I went down the resarch path instead.

Take the leap if you can and enjoy! It's NEVER too late to do something!!!

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