Vet won't neuter yet. Do I dare take a chance?

I sooooo agree. And heaven help you if that female cat has even an ounce of siamese in her. You'd swear that the world was coming to an end with their catawalling.
I've had male cats all my adult life. I've typically gotten mine neutered between 5-6 months (6 months being the 'magic number') and have never had an issue with the boys spraying. And where I live, the spay / neuter clinics are great. Sorry your clinic isn't better

Glad DH has a new buddy - I'm thinking he should be the keeper of the kitty scoop
Gritty, same problem here. Trying to get Mira spayed. She's 6 months old, but I see NO need to pay $300 for a spay!!

Going the clinic route myself. Thing is, the clinic is Nov. 19. You watch, I'll wind up with a pregnant kitty!
If it's only another month, I'd say give it the time. I had someone tell me one time that animals that are fixed too early loose the hormones that they need to grow (something like that).
My question is why wont vets do it at very young ages, but you can take one to a clinic & they do it or if you adopt from Animal Control (at least here) it is done before you take the animal home, no matter what the age?
i think its because they want to be sure that the animal DOES get neutered but they lose a lot of adoptability once they reach the age of suggested "fixing". ya know?
I had my four male kittens neutered at 7 months and they do not spray at all.

The most likely reason that your Vet does not want to neuter at this age is because male nuetered cats are prone to urinary blocking. The longer his urethra has time to develop and become larger (which is aided in growth by testerone), the less prone to urinary blocks in the future.

Good luck.
Our vet is old school and that's one of the reasons we like her so much. There is another vet we use when we have an issue with one of our GSDs. We only take "the boys" to him when necessary for an expert opinion on GSDs, which he specializes in.
Our vet is old school and that's one of the reasons we like her so much. There is another vet we use when we have an issue with one of our GSDs. We only take "the boys" to him when necessary for an expert opinion on GSDs, which he specializes in.

I know I stated my experience above, but I want to reiterate that my honest opinion is that it does not hurt to wait until 4-5-6 months or so. For one thing, the more they weigh the less chance they will have a problem with the anesthesia. In some things there is nothing wrong with being old school.

Even in the article referenced, it states that it is up to the individual veterinarian to decide when the appropriate age is for each cat.

I understand why the mobile spay clinics will do them so young, and that's fine. Taking a chance on putting a feral cat under isn't quite the same as taking a chance with someone's beloved pet. Just my opinion, of course.

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