Video Diary of Gen Next


Sonic screwdrivers are cool!
12 Years
Sep 1, 2010
Generation Next is what I am calling my first ever hatch of my own chicken's eggs. I LOVE mixes all my chickens run together my chickens include 3 roos, an EE, a NN w/ dark skin, and a bbr araucana w/ tiny tufts and rumpless. My hens are EE, NN, dark skinned NN, NN x houdans, NN x astralop, NN x spitzhauben, NN x ??. So all the chicks are crosses of those combos.

I plan on posting pics of the crew every couple of days to document their changes (though not always in the same order) I may have some OCD but not that much! lol

Here they are on hatch day.

Two days old today

This ones color is so intriguing to me can't wait to see how she turns out.

You know she is going to be such a diva!!!!!

The one on the right I still haven't had a good shot of but she is all dark w/ white fluff around her face she is so cute, I hope she keeps her whte face feathers.

Group shot
They are beautiful, Kassaundra! Can you tell yet if any inherited Sc?
Not yet, the weekend (Thurs - Sun) are hard for me to get much done it is my work week and I work 24 hr shifts, and this week I had an added all day class thrown in for good measure on Fri. I am hoping to do some intense examining of them Sun or Mond to see.
Dipsy, I do not think any got the Sc gene
but there are several NaNa
This next batch of pics are 5 days old, this is their first outing outside and their first taste of feeder insects.

There are lots of pics in this batch so I will probably do this in a few posts.

They may have cute faces, but don't be fooled, don't fall into the brooder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today's 11 day old shots. I tried to only do one pose per set of chicks, but a couple extra were just to cute not to include.

They love the big blue "hen"


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