Vinyl flooring and cold weather

I have vinyl flooring in my coop and it has survived a winter with no problems. Please note; I use the deep litter method with DE, my coop is well insulated and this winter I did not walk on it??? On the positive side, nothing has stuck to it and cleans up easily.
I use vinyl flooring in my coop in Montana and after 2 winters still have no cracking. I would not give it up as it makes cleaning it so much easier. If it cracked tomorrow, I would go buy another cheap remnant and lay it over the existing one and keep on going.
ours cracked this winter. BUT it was in a place where the floor is uneven. duct tape fixed it right up
make sure it is warm when you lay it flat or it will crack.. i am in upstate ny and mine is fine.. i put deep litter over it and it never moves so why should it crack? been all winter and it lasted great.
Any particular type of exterior paint? We put off building our coop in 2009. We cheated and put the birds in the barn in a stall. Gotta get it done this year. I DO have a vinyl remnant big enough for the floor, but I love to paint, ALMOST as much as I love to burn on my burn pile.
Just any ol' exterior-grade paint. I use latex cuz it dries faster and doesn't require solvents to clean the brush, but you can use whatever you prefer. IMO semigloss works best but again it does not really matter a whole lot.

Good luck, have fun,


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