
Yeah I think I will wait until they are in the stores as well. It does save on shipping. Although I did find a good site... and the shipping to our region is only $10 and you can mix your own batch with a minimum of 15 chicks. (which are only 2.80 a chick) And if you order before feb 16th you get a .05 discount on each chick. I am not sure if that is a good deal or not but seems to be about the going rate. I REALLY want some Araucanas and some Buffs as well. I don't know if Agri supply is going to have those. I just want to get them already! :D
hi ailurophile23
I changed up my order, still getting the dorkings, but not doing the phoneix.. I have also ordered some Swedish Flower Chicks from 2 different people.
I figured if i'm gonna do it might as well do it right. Keep your fingers crossed that all gos well LOL..
I have lots of chicks for sale right now if anyone is looking for them.
I live near Zion X Roads. Louisa Va.
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Welcome home. I hope you had a good time. Give me a call when you have the time.

Back from my cruise today and was happy to see alot of eggs when I got home
. The eggs in my incubator are doing great and some should be hatching Thursday.Just set some more tonight.Going to pick up a hatcher tomorrow and ordering another incubator tomorrow also !!!!!!!! Spring is right around the corner
hey muggs.... when i spoke to the women with the local TSC here she told me that after they recieve there first generic shipmient of chicks that customers will be able to special order pretty much any breed and have them shipped right to there home. Im not looking for something rare ..Im hoping they have some orpingtons some rhode islands maybe some white leghorn or just production reds! I have been pretty antsy to get some chicks as well!
The more I look into getting birds started already the more I just want to get some chicks and start from the begining. oh I don't know. I am so confused. lol
Are there any Spring shows in VA? I went to the VPBA Fall show but I was wondering if there was a spring show?

-And I will be selling BLRW chicks this Spring/Summer :)
Yes i am the same way..just starting out with the chickens. I have been offered old hens and roosters from friends of mine but i kinda just wanna raise them up from liitle peeps!
The only thing you need to be carefull about buying from feed stores is sometimes they dont know what breed they have or some kid will pick up a cornish cross and put it in with white rocks or leghorns. You can usually tell but I've seen folks buy chicks they thought were one breed and turned out to be something else.
I will be hatching some Buff Orpingtons, Easter Eggers, Pekin Ducks and maybe some Peafowl if anyone in interested.

I will also be looking for some young Turkeys or Turkey eggs.

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