
Had a long, slithery visitor last night in the chicken yard... and now I'm looking for anyone who has guinea keets or young guineas. DH has been wanting some, but I didn't want any... until now. LOL! And now I just don't want to wait for them to hatch... though I suppose we'll go that rout if we have to.
I could haul a few (dog crate in my minivan.. Can only imagine the racket these things will make on the trip) as far as Blacksburg or so (maybe even Roanoke area as I have Dr. Appts there in the coming weeks).
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well, it's down by 10...  turnout at the swap was light today. lots of sellers, no buyers. but then it was also threatening rain most of the morning... 

I may try to find another broody to foist off some of the chicks onto...  at least to be able to sort breeds more easily.

fortunately it's only 67 outside right now. the brooder is still wrapped in a tarp with momma and chicks, waiting for hubby to get home and help me bring it in...  too heavy to solo with 237 pounds of momma and chicks in it. LOL

ok so i'm estimating their adult weight, not current...

It was foggy and looked like it was going to rain all day, although it didn't actually rain, so not as many customers as I'd hoped for but I did sell off my Bantam Cochins. Decided I want to do LF Cochins and after the swap, had an appointment with Tom Roebuck on his lovely farm to pick up my first LF Cochins. They are some of his older birds that he was willing to let go and I feel very fortunate to have them to get started with LF Cochins.
i'm about midway between wythe and where she is... if anyone wanted to help out with a 'guinea chain'.
I could haul a few (dog crate in my minivan.. Can only imagine the racket these things will make on the trip) as far as Blacksburg or so (maybe even Roanoke area as I have Dr. Appts there in the coming weeks).

That would be fantastic! I'd like some pretty young keets - I'm not partial to the white ones but just about all the other colors are great - pied, pearl gray, lavender...

Just let me know what you find out - and thank you in advance for helping me with this!!!
That would be fantastic! I'd like some pretty young keets - I'm not partial to the white ones but just about all the other colors are great - pied, pearl gray, lavender...

Just let me know what you find out - and thank you in advance for helping me with this!!!
PM sent with my contact information as well as the phone number of the lady who has the guineas.
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I've got two olive egger pullets and one or two orphington x lt brahmas left. All should begin laying in mid to late June. The oees are black w/ cheek tufts and some red gold feathers on the neck. The brahma crosses are mostly white with light feathering on the legs. Im located in Bedford but making a trip to Bent Creek next saturday if that would get them any closer. Just pm me if interested. Lori

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