
Oh to be more specific I am looking for highest egg output. I don't have a real preference for white/brown. That is one comprehensive list you linked. I am curious why they noted the austrolap as not a good choice for egg laying based on the other notes and what I read on a different guide. Any clue why they don't recommend it for egg laying primarily?
@crittaHi and Welcome! I live about an hour southeast of you and I have several different breeds that have done well for me. No heat or cold problems. My rocks, rir's and sexlinks lay the most. I also have jersey giants, a white leghorn and an EE. They all lay well though. Southern States and Tractor Supply should have chicks now or very soon.

These are two of the chicks I brought home today. They were labeled "red pullet" so I'm assuming they're some sort of sex linked breed.

Here's a group photo. Two of the other four are GLW, and the other two are barred rocks. I really can't tell them apart though. And then of course my duckling is right there in the middle of it all. Lol
Oh to be more specific I am looking for highest egg output. I don't have a real preference for white/brown. That is one comprehensive list you linked. I am curious why they noted the austrolap as not a good choice for egg laying based on the other notes and what I read on a different guide. Any clue why they don't recommend it for egg laying primarily?
If you are looking for the highest egg out put then, I would go with red or black sex links or a leghorn that you can get at a farm supply store, e.g., Tractor Supply or Southern States. These girls will produce 5+ eggs/week each. I have both and can vouch for that production. I also have a number of purebreds that do well as well.
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Egg production wise I really like my Silver Spangled Hamburg, she lays 6/7 days a week and has done so through the nastiest weather this winter. A friend has several of them and has gotten the same result. She lays a medium size white egg, they are a skittish breed though so if you are looking for a bird that you can hold or handle often they wouldn't be the best. I'm sure everyone has their own personal opinions of breeds though so do a little reading and just check out what breed would interest you.
As far as where to get them, you can either browse around online, craigslist or trade papers to find chicks or adult laying hens or purchase the chicks online or at a feed store and raise them up yourself.
Egg production wise I really like my Silver Spangled Hamburg, she lays 6/7 days a week and has done so through the nastiest weather this winter. A friend has several of them and has gotten the same result. She lays a medium size white egg, they are a skittish breed though so if you are looking for a bird that you can hold or handle often they wouldn't be the best. I'm sure everyone has their own personal opinions of breeds though so do a little reading and just check out what breed would interest you.
As far as where to get them, you can either browse around online, craigslist or trade papers to find chicks or adult laying hens or purchase the chicks online or at a feed store and raise them up yourself.
We also have a couple Silver Spangled Hamburgs that I am waiting for eggs from. I just wanted to give you a head's up though. We free range and have been hit by a hawk twice-- both times on the hamburgs. They seem to be a target in my area, both size and color. I had white leghorns out in the group with them and they were untouched.

First pullet didn't make it. Second pullet survived thanks to the rooster and her own will to live. She is now named "Lucky" and just started squatting!!

I am excited to hear that yours lay so frequently! Can't wait for these two to get with the program!
Egg production wise I really like my Silver Spangled Hamburg, she lays 6/7 days a week and has done so through the nastiest weather this winter. A friend has several of them and has gotten the same result. She lays a medium size white egg, they are a skittish breed though so if you are looking for a bird that you can hold or handle often they wouldn't be the best. I'm sure everyone has their own personal opinions of breeds though so do a little reading and just check out what breed would interest you.
As far as where to get them, you can either browse around online, craigslist or trade papers to find chicks or adult laying hens or purchase the chicks online or at a feed store and raise them up yourself.
I prefer personality over egg production... the Dorking and SFH are THE BEST LF breeds IMO. LOL bantam cochins are just so broody but their cute round feathered-ness is just irresistible too.
ok who wants some broodiness? 8) first time momma, I gave her 5 babies day before yesterday, hatched the day/night before. mixed breed including some assortment of EE Dorking and BLRW, plus one cochin/??.

yesterday she stayed on the nest all day, but I took food in to the babies since they'd already learned to eat/drink before taking them out of the brooder. this morning I took food in again. not sure who ate it all both times, since she's free ranging 100%. first morning I was worried the other chickens would have issues with the babies but the little ones were wandering around her nest, everyone else just ignored them.

today she took them for a walk for the first time. before bed I gave them some FF to fill up on for the night, and made her move off the babies so they would see the food. then, since the trailer is a step up, I gathered all 5 babies (momma just watched) and put them in the trailer, picked her up and put her in with them, she talked to them all the way back to her nest box. until they can jump i'll just keep helping if she and they will let me.

if you're wondering, she's a good example of a Colored Dorking... took best of breed in Knoxville back in December. 8)

We also have a couple Silver Spangled Hamburgs that I am waiting for eggs from. I just wanted to give you a head's up though. We free range and have been hit by a hawk twice-- both times on the hamburgs. They seem to be a target in my area, both size and color. I had white leghorns out in the group with them and they were untouched.

First pullet didn't make it. Second pullet survived thanks to the rooster and her own will to live. She is now named "Lucky" and just started squatting!!

I am excited to hear that yours lay so frequently! Can't wait for these two to get with the program!
Every thing we have a Hawk loss to is Medium size and dark color- size of a young turkey which is prime prey for Redtail hawks

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