
So the onagadori and fly tie are one and the same?

edit: oh my goodness... Just looked those up on Google...They ARE kinda cool, but definitely not my style. ;)

An Onagadori, is a non molting bird known for its silky long hackles and sadles. Also has a long crow with those long feathers as well as a long tail, an added benni if you call it that, it lives a long time. Mine are Barred Dun and Barred Badger. I was interested in any input from someone experienced with the genetic make up. Since these love the warm weather BUT I live in cold mountains now adays. They have moved up nicely. I have to keep heaters on them when the weather turns cold.
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So the onagadori and fly tie are one and the same?

edit: oh my goodness... Just looked those up on Google... I'm sorry but those poor birds!! I'll take a backyard mutt any day. :hmm
They ARE kinda cool, but definitely not my style. ;)

Do you eat eggs? Do you eat chicken?

What is wrong with me allowing mine to free range and not be pinned up in a cage? What is wrong with non kill harvest? A chicken does not have to be killed for her eggs. A non kill harvested feather did not have the bird killed for the feather. I know it is a new sounding concept BUT it is not really.

I don't advertise for these but it does take someone whom is into a gentleman's sport to be interested in my birds feathers. I do state I will include them in my boothe at a swap but people always look puzzled when they ask and I tell them what they are. They have not a clue and you will not find me online advertising because I dont have to.
So you did not see my birds on line anywheres.

I appreciate your questions, there are no stupid questions.
That said, Lets be more careful and keep it light and not critize or come across as critizing.
Thank you for your input.

I needed experienced input and have checked many forums on this site. There are a few in the US of A that I know of that have or do Fly-Ties that are still alive. A man in the Catskills, a man in Georgia, a woman in Florida, a woman in Texas and a man in Wyoming and me. If there are others that dabbed I do not know of them. I only know of the serious minded. I am putting a callnout for the backyard Fly-Ties as I know there must be some still on it.

I had hoped someone dabbling in backyard chickens and dabbling in Fly-Ties would respond with their experiences in genetic experiments.

Edit: oh snap! LoL I understand that you did not understand and that is ok. Like I said, I appreciate your questions,..I just did not appreciate your jump judgement. You did not see mine bc I am not online selling. There is a good market for these.
I have a barnyard flock too. We actually have over 200 birds of all types and I appreciate each breed or mutt for what they are and offer us that are more than willing to take pride in each and everyone of them. Please do not group me in the Catagory of a mill. I do not group you as in such. Thank you for your response and I am still hoping someone working with these beauties pm me bc commits like that keeps us responsible breeders very close lipped.

How would you feel if I said I looked on line on Google which the internet is not always a reliable source, an made a comment I felt sorry for your breed. Not cool However, I am ok with it but understand it keeps others from coming online to share their genetic tries bc of snap judgement. I dont feel sorry for all the birds and yes there are those in foreign countries that do not care for them like I do BUT then again there are those in foreign countries taht take exordinary care of theirs and they are their pride and joy an feed their family with them. All I can say is you got your info from the internet and not first hand. Sorry if this seems to have turned into a lecture.
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Do you eat eggs? Do you eat chicken? What is wrong with me allowing mine to free range and not be pinned up in a cage? What is wrong with non kill harvest? A chicken does not have to be killed for her eggs. A non kill harvested feather did not have the bird killed for the feather. I know it is a new sounding concept BUT it is not really. I don't advertise for these but it does take someone whom is into a gentleman's sport to be interested in my birds feathers. I do state I will include them in my boothe at a swap but people always look puzzled when they ask and I tell them what they are. They have not a clue and you will not find me online advertising because I dont have to. So you did not see my birds on line anywheres.

Edit: oh snap! LoL I understand that you did not understand and that is ok. I have a barnyard flock too. We actually have over 200 birds of all types and I appreciate each breed or mutt for what they are and offer.

Lol - I was just meaning I feel sorry for the birds with their horribly long tail... Do people ever trim them so the bird can live a relatively normal life?

Edit: just read your updated post.. I never said you had a mill... I never said they are a bad breed or that you in particular were at fault. I just made a comment about their extraordinarily long tails, as i had never seen any that long. The search I did on google was on Google Images... And all I did was browse the pictures there in open mouth wonder that there was such a bird with such long tails!! My second response to the birds was feeling sorry for them BECAUSE THEY HAVE SUCH LONG CUMBERSOME TAILS! same as I feel kinda sorry for hairless cats! It had nothing whatsoever to do with you, and everything to do with a passing feeling of compassion for the complicated task they must have of just walking around. I wont feel sorry for them though if it offends you.

im terribly sorry for the misunderstanding.
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Lol - I was just meaning I feel sorry for the birds with their horribly long tail... Do people ever trim them so the bird can live a relatively normal life?

Yes some do but for the most part no. Their tails are usually protected and the birds are treasured and well taken care of. The shoulders and saddles is what Fly-ties are made of. I dont mind explaining that to you.
Phoenix and Onagadori are all Longtail fowl.  The most common one is the phoenix.  But there are lots of different varieties.  If you lookup Toni-Marie Astin (Onagadori Farms in GA) she has written a book about Longtail fowl.

Yes, the book is excellent and I do own an Autographed copy. She has some beauties. We are in the process of having a builder build a large, long Sunroom for my beauties. They love a greenhouse.

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