Vitamix Thread

Happy Chooks

Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Jul 9, 2009
Northern CA
My Coop
My Coop
Thought this would be a good idea to share the recipes we love with our Vitamix blenders.

My favorite so far is the pumpkin pie smoothie - it's sooooo darn good.
I'm gonna subscribe. My MIL loves hers so much she bought me one about 3 years ago and I've never used it.
I feel guilty every time I see it sitting on the counter and think I really need to start getting some use out of it.
The only thing I've made so far is a strawberry frozen yogurt from the small recipe book it came with. It worked perfect and tasted good. Easy to clean too except I put a litte too much detergent and water in it. Kinda reminded me of an old I Love Lucey episode!!
I made mashed cauliflower tonight (to replace potatoes) They were awesome! I think I can downsize my food processor after getting this thing.
Did the banana bounce smoothie today from the recipe book - it was really good, but the pumpkin pie one is still my favorite.

Can't wait to puree fruits for jams with it. I just don't have the time for jams right now.
I'm gonna subscribe. My MIL loves hers so much she bought me one about 3 years ago and I've never used it.
I feel guilty every time I see it sitting on the counter and think I really need to start getting some use out of it.

You gotta use it! I love mine - I've been using it everyday just about.
Someone please post this 'vitamix' blender for us slow people? :p hehehehe

Picture was already posted.

The reason I got this is for canning. It purees fruit, seeds and all. So no more deseeding my blackberry jam by hand. Also, you don't have to blanch tomatoes, it purees skins and seeds.
For quite a while I was making vegetable/fruit smooties.

1 peeled naval orange torn in half
1/2 a red bell pepper
1 carrot cut up
1 stalk celery cut up
1 cup orange juice
4-5 ice cubes - or some cut up frozen fruit (from Costco)

Watch the video, it's pretty self explanatory. It's quite a "rush" drinking something so healthy and fresh.


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