Viva Las Vegas!

Someone who took my buff asked me about more chickens and I thought of your chicks. Do you guys still have chicks for sale or did you sell them all.
Wow how crazy of timing! Adoption could be very nice. I believe Tiff has adopted locally.

Sorry we don't have any more chicks for sale. We sold all of the extras already.
Well I went to the shelter to see the hens and after finding out who I was, was denied to look at the hens AND was told that the City of Las Vegas does not allow chickens. I knew that wasn't right since Ive read that I can have 3. So I'm guessing my fight with the shelter 2 years ago over adopting out rabbits that they couldnt seem to do, may have black listed me from adopting now or in the future. Of course the City laws may have changed and it isn't noted.

After running a rescue for 10 years, I am mad! Worse I hope they don't turn me in for not getting a permit from AC. That too could happen then I could be faced with loosing the chickens I do have. I love my chickens and certainly don't want that to happen.

Can anyone tell me if the City of Las Vegas laws have changed so having hens is now not allowed? I can deal with not adopting from the shelter. I don't care much for them anyway.

I completely get that as my two older hens now have stopped laying. Who knows how old they are really. I just dont have the set up for really young chicks. Ive been looking at Chickens Galore in CA. They have speckled sussex but I have to drive 4 hours one way as they do not ship.
If you do go to Chickens Galore please let me know. He owes me two BLRW hens. I bought two chicks from him and his guy told me they were definitely hens.....they were both Roos. LOL my email is [email protected]

So after all the research Ive done trying to find some hens, I think Ive settled on buying an incubator and doing it myself. Id like to sell my hatched chicks and was wondering if there is a market for selling hatched chicks esp from breeds not common to Vegas.
I've been busy with kids and stuff so I haven't bee around much.

We lost a chicken yesterday, it was the rescue chicken... we suspect she was much older than the original owner (before my sister in law got her) claimed. She was recovering from the bullying, feathers were grown back, all her woulds healed, she was a bit wobbly though. My chickens left her alone when she was integrated fully into the flock. Then she just stopped eating and drinking and died within a 48 hour period, I was forcing water with an eye dropper :/ The other chickens are all healthy and active still, with no signs of illness, so just thinking it was old age and the stresses of her recent injuries that did her in.
Hi guys!

Been in Vegas for about six months now (moved from Georgia). I'm not only a newbie to Las Vegas but a newbie to the chicken world as well!

Was wondering if anyone in the area knows about good shops, if there are any, here? Shops meaning supply stores, feed stores, etc.
I don't have chickens yet but soon I will want to get a coop set up and get everything going that I'll need. Still researching what it is I'll actually need but nevertheless, the time will soon come! I'd prefer not to buy EVERYTHING online if I can help it.

Anyone got any good advice? :)

Hi guys!

Been in Vegas for about six months now (moved from Georgia). I'm not only a newbie to Las Vegas but a newbie to the chicken world as well!

Was wondering if anyone in the area knows about good shops, if there are any, here? Shops meaning supply stores, feed stores, etc.
I don't have chickens yet but soon I will want to get a coop set up and get everything going that I'll need. Still researching what it is I'll actually need but nevertheless, the time will soon come! I'd prefer not to buy EVERYTHING online if I can help it.

Anyone got any good advice? :)


Hi Amber! Welcome to Vegas and welcome to chickens! I've been here 10 years myself, and we got our chicks 6 months ago! We have 11... types are in my signature below :) They have been a LOT of fun, I never knew chickens could be so interesting and have such a range of personalities, or be so friendly! They have really become pets :)

We do most of our supply shopping (and also got most of our chicks from) V&V Tack and Feed, it's on Rancho between Gowan and Alexander. We've also gone to Rancho Feed, it;s also on Rancho, by the Santa Fe Casino (Rancho and Lone Mountain). We live in the North West part of town, so those are the 2 places I go, I am sure there are more in other parts of town...

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