Viva Las Vegas!

so how do you bucket garden. i have tried the planters but come end of June to start of July everything dies in pots even those that only get am sun. I am tryig to garden but I suck I dont have a green thumb but a black one with the exception of bell pepers

The buckets are made into a sub-irrigated planter. This (shown) is one way to do it. You place a colander upside down in a 5 gallon bucket after cutting holes for a pipe along the side and 2 drain holes (in the sides of the colander and the bucket). I got the idea from one of the Nevada Thread people and she got it from a website called We chose to use just one bucket (instead of 2 buckets stacked) by cutting out the lid and affixing the cut piece to the inside of the bucket making a shelf for the cut lid to sit on. I will have to take pictures of the whole process so I can post them here. Here are some of the buckets we used last year. I was very pleased with how it worked. The trick to get through the late June-July heat issue is to use that time to start more plants to put in the bucket for our fall growing season. Make sure your plants are short season ones and plant early in spring and early in fall. If it is gonna freeze...I can move my buckets under the back porch and my veggies are fine. The peas I planted a few weeks ago are coming up and I'm gonna get busy planting more. I will probably buy some tomato starts simply because I only have one variety of seed from last year on hand. Seriously, check out the website. They have some really great ideas.

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Check out today's eggs. I finally got a real olive egg!

Max: Those are some BEAUTIFUL eggs there!!! I am so hoping to be able to hatch out some Golden Cuckoo Marans sometime this spring. I am very happy with the olive eggs I am getting from the girls I hatched out of eggs from both you and Holly. I think I'd like some BCM too. I have a mixed hen from a BCM roo and a Silver Cuckoo hen. She has no copper color at all...just plain black. How many Marans hens do you have?

Hi There. I'm from Tonopah, NV. Approx. 1/2 way between Vegas and Reno. We're looking to add a few started pullets to our flock of 17 and would rather get them "local" than have them fly in on a plane. Can anyone direct me to where I might get these in Nevada? Thanks!

mnmfarris: Welcome to the Las Vegas Thread! By "local," I guess that you must come to Vegas on occasion. I hope we can help you out. Some of our local people breed their birds but many of us frequent the feedstores for chicks come spring. Cary 1973 headed you in the right direction ... the phone numbers and addresses on the community page should be up to date and I'll be sure to mention on here when/where I first hear of available chicks.

So I was a bit sad I was unable to pick up our new pullets Sunday, and then I awoke to find this little treasure Monday morning.....

Our first egg!

And in the nest right off the bat...

Compared to store bought XL

Our little girl's a woman...sniff..sniff

I too need to get my seeds started this week. I'm going to add two or three new raised beds this spring, I cant wait!

JTKodama: Awww! Congrats on your new layer! That's a good size for a first timer! You should be proud. Keep us updated on the pullet problem, too. Love all the pics of the eggs but we also need one of your good girl that laid it! We will also need pics of the raised beds.
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Hi all! I am down to 4 BCM, 1 polish and my 3 ducks. I would like to get some blue EE. and I want to do some Aquaponics with the duck pond. I'm out in Pahrump for those of you I haven't meet yet. I'm a home schooling mom to a great 9 y old boy, Rion. We also have three dogs, (GSD, Golden and a Corgi) plus a horse and fish.
everbody. Finally getting some eggs from the freeloaders. Clark County fair and rodeo Apr 11-14.
Cal-Ranch Las Vegas grand opening Feb 28-Mar 2 @ Jones and 95. Supposed to be some give-a-ways.

edit because the quote didn't seem to work about getting cattle panels from Lowe's or Cal Ranch
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Hi all! I am down to 4 BCM, 1 polish and my 3 ducks. I would like to get some blue EE. and I want to do some Aquaponics with the duck pond. I'm out in Pahrump for those of you I haven't meet yet. I'm a home schooling mom to a great 9 y old boy, Rion. We also have three dogs, (GSD, Golden and a Corgi) plus a horse and fish.
Yay! Good to hear from you daegorn! Good luck with the blue EE's and aquaponics. I would really love to see someones aquaponic setup in person. I'm a visual learner and just gotta see it to understand how things work. I know we have a few others in our community doing aquaponics too. (hint,hint!)

everbody. Finally getting some eggs from the freeloaders. Clark County fair and rodeo Apr 11-14.
Cal-Ranch Las Vegas grand opening Feb 28-Mar 2 @ Jones and 95. Supposed to be some give-a-ways.

edit because the quote didn't seem to work about getting cattle panels from Lowe's or Cal Ranch
ya ke_ben! Good to hear from you too! Thanks for the heads up on Cal-Ranch and the CC Fair and Rodeo.

I went to Cal's tonight for the first day of their grand opening. They have some good things going on. They have a sale on feed. Buy 3 bags and get the 4th one free. I did that and may go back for another deal. I like the All Flock and it runs 17.99 for a 50# free feed is free feed, and a good thing. I also brought home 4 cattle panels! Yay! Yay! Yay! I can hardly wait to get all the stuff done to my run now. I have some links to show you what I intend. First of all there is the transportation of the 16' panels...that went something like this. As for what they'll end up as? That should be a cross between this run and this run.

Cal's also has chicks available too, which I resisted. I'm much more interested in having my girls do all the hard work. I'm surprised that I don't have a broody yet.

Speaking of eggs...I'm getting loads of eggs right now. I found out on Pinterest that I can dehydrate extra eggs and store them as powdered eggs for when the girls stop/slow down laying, or when you have to worm or medicate. That's pretty exciting too. You can follow the link here to learn more.

I have promised lots of pictures...none of which I am ready to post at this time. I've been super busy and I still have a bunch of stuff to get to. Please be patient and I will get to those photos soon.

Have a great day!!!
I had a job I was driving to off of Summerlin Pkwy and noticed the feedstore there that I didn't think had been there before (although I'm getting to be that age where I do question myself, so glad to know I haven't been totally oblivious to my surroundings). I hope Cal's does well. You gotta love that bright grain and fresh falfa smell of feed stores (although saddle shops are the all-time best for scents)

I'm getting an urge to hatch again, but the HOA is prohibiting the keeping of birds (sure wish I had read the fine print on that one). I saw some lavender Australorps on eBay..... Anybody interested? No guarantees my schedule would allow hatching (still dealing with Mom stuff and we now have Hospice in the mix so being definite is indeterminate at best), but I'm just throwing out feelers to see if I should bring more chickies into the world.
I had a job I was driving to off of Summerlin Pkwy and noticed the feedstore there that I didn't think had been there before (although I'm getting to be that age where I do question myself, so glad to know I haven't been totally oblivious to my surroundings). I hope Cal's does well. You gotta love that bright grain and fresh falfa smell of feed stores (although saddle shops are the all-time best for scents)

I'm getting an urge to hatch again, but the HOA is prohibiting the keeping of birds (sure wish I had read the fine print on that one). I saw some lavender Australorps on eBay..... Anybody interested? No guarantees my schedule would allow hatching (still dealing with Mom stuff and we now have Hospice in the mix so being definite is indeterminate at best), but I'm just throwing out feelers to see if I should bring more chickies into the world.

I would be more interested in a Wheaten or Blue Wheaten Ameraucana. Love the blue eggs, the white beard and muffs and the ease of sexing when first feathered out. Barnevelders, Welsummers, Penedesencas, Isbars, Cream Legbars and some more Marans are all on my wishlist. Let's discuss when and if you succumb to the urge! I love my girls from your last batch!

eta: that's a bummer about the HOA! 'Keeping of birds' ? Does that include parrots, parakeets etc? No fair!!!
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I am Living in Las Vegas and looking for female pullets? Does anyone know where to find these birds? I am a beginner and not sure about doing the whole brooder thing with chicks. Thanks B
I am Living in Las Vegas and looking for female pullets? Does anyone know where to find these birds? I am a beginner and not sure about doing the whole brooder thing with chicks. Thanks B
Pullets show up on our local Craig's List and Nellis Feed out at Nellis and Craig area sometimes has them. You are missing the most addictive part of chickens by by-passing the baby chicks in the box fun! That's what got me hooked, it is a bit of work but not overwhelming. Have you checked out Cal's Ranch store at Jones & 95? They don't have pullets but thats about all they dont have.

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