Volunteers & Contest Suggestions Needed!

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BYC Staff
18 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop

Okay peeps, we need your help! We want to award more stuff from the BYC store and give away more BYC Golden Feather Memberships (that you can use yourself or give as a gift to someone) and also have lots of fun with contests.

So, here's what we need:

1) Ideas for contests - We especially like fun contests that involve lots of members (BYC Trivia contest), help create content for BYC (coop, breed, incubator pages), and overall fun contests (when will BYC reach 25,000 members).

2) Volunteers to run / manage the contests - As you can imagine the BYC staff are swamped with keeping this ship sailing smoothly, so we need some responsible members to help us with these contests. Preferably you've been a member for a while with a good track record.

So, do you have a contest idea? Post it here!!!

Do you want to run a contest? Post that here too!!
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I dont have any ideas right now but could help

Ok, everyone seemed to like showing off their holiday meals. HOw about the nicest Easter table with poultry/ egg recipes. Or even just an everyday poultry / egg meal.
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Was watching my Australorps the other morning and thought you needed to have a Eyes Contest... Ok why... I thought good gosh they have the most beautiful eyes they are sweet and pure looking, then after noticing this I walked over to a pen with the shamo mixes and said oh my there eyes really look evil. Would be neat to see what others think...
just a thought from a crazy over tired and worked mom and chicken lover. LOL
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How about a chicken-keeping setup contest? That's including the feeders, waterers, roost, nest boxes, coops, and runs, and additional things. I'm very sad that I missed the Trivia challenge, it sounded like fun, but it was 9:00 on a school night so...
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