Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

Add a tablespoon of vinegar to the boiling water. It helps the eggs peel. Most people can put a dozen in the back of the fridge for 2 weeks to age them. You don't have enough to do that so try the vinegar.
I keep a dozen of "old" eggs in the back...at least two weeks.....otherwise we can't peel them!! If my husband can't wait he cooks them then cracks them in half and scoops out the entire egg with a small spoon. He either eats right away or makes egg salad. They aren't pretty, but he gets to eat them w/o a lot of shell in it!
Eggs going in the pan now WITH vinegar. Give me 15 minutes or so....
I just set 30 quail eggs this afternoon and if I get a decent hatch then I should have some quail eggs or buttons for sure with me in August.
So whoever DD is, they will be happy
Oh poo....I forgot ...when they are done cool them under cold running water. Ice cubes in the water works too, if you are on a well and don't want to run the water long enough to cool them.
Yesterday 8:26 pmDear daughter. She is 11 and just started with Quail. We just have some Coturnix right now.

Oh Ok! Well I have coturnix too. I have a texas a&m roo with two japanese hens. They are my kids pets LOL. The rest are jumbo coturnix.

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