Wait, what?!?!? (Rant)


The Odd One
11 Years
Apr 7, 2011
Montgomery, Alabama
I really want to rip my hair out right now. Apparently I'm too weird to hang out with the really weird people now.
Mind you, this came from a woman that sleeps in pine box because she thinks she's a vampire.

This whole thing started earlier in the week. We had gone for walk to catch up on the things we had missed. We walked past a house that had chickens in the back yard and she says "Oh my god, those people have chickens." So I decided to be random and call them out on their breed and said "Hey cool, Australorps." She gave me a look like I had killed some one.
So, long story short, I was talking to her on Fb a bit ago and she told me that either I could give up my 'Chicken Fetish' or lose her as a friend. HA! Like that's even a choice. No real friend of mine would tell me to give up anything I love. So I gave up her instead. Now everyone that I knew through her doesn't want to talk to me. Ok, I refuse to give up on something I love just to keep friends.

I know who my real friends are. They're the ones that are asking me if they can come over and see my chickens. They're the ones that are helping me decide what breed I should get next. They're ones that are standing in line waiting to see and asking if the can have one out of the next hatch. Everyone else, take a number. I don't have the time to deal with anyone that tries to stop me from being me.

So what if I'm "Goth"?
So what if I love country life? So what? I am who I am. If you can't handle that, step aside and let my real friends hang with me.

Sorry. I needed to get that out.
Seriously? She won't stay friends with you because you like chickens?? That's ridiculous. She sounds incredibly shallow. Seriously, that's really dumb.

Goth and country life? Sounds like an original combination, good for you! Don't ever give up who you are for some "friend" that would blow you off over such a silly thing.
The people I know have learned that is a very bad thing to either attempt to hurt my chickens or even joke about it. I scream at people then.
Exactly, and no one can ever make me be anything else. My mom tried once, but she realized that I wasn't letting anyone else influence (maybe a little bit from my brother, but no one bad) and left it alone. I don't have many friends in my state, but I have lots of great ones in other places.

What's a hand full of bad friends worth when I have so many great ones that love me for who I am?
I ditched her and everyone one that was on her side for my chickens. They make far better company then her anyways.

I'd ditch anyone too who judged me and my love for chickens!
Yet another reason why I prefer my critters over people. Just remember to resist the tempatation to judge them. They are who they are and you are who you are. And don't let them have any of your chicken's eggs!

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