: ( waiting for the vet to call

I have family members who don't get it and are rather cruel in what they have to say.

Really? Wow. Like, "it's just a dog, get over it"?
For many, dogs and cats are our children. Maybe they should stop and consider that you lost a family member .

I just lost my childhood dog this past august. He was an aussie too, and was 14 1/2 yrs old when we chose to put him down. He had an esophageal mass that was slowly causing his breathing to become more labored. So eventually we had to pick a day. The body definitely started to quit before the mind did. When they start to go downhill, they can go fast. You didn't do anything wrong.

I am a vet tech and have seen and been with many people as they lose their pets. Ignore those family members, you are NOT alone in the way you feel about your dog. In fact, I think you are a better human being then them because you allowed yourself to love another creature so much.​
Yeah, my MIL is especially vocal in her dislike of our dogs. When she found out Jack had died her comment was, "Oh, too bad it wasn't Kobi." She doesn't like Kobi because of his loud bark. She insists he's vicious which couldn't be further from the truth. She used to tell me our Golden Retriever was retarded (her word, not mine!) because he was a bit of a goofball. All the while knowing how it irritated me. She grew up with animals, but they were all outdoor farm dogs and cats, etc. I don't think she ever formed a bond with an animal and just doesn't get it. At this point in my life most of the time I don't let her get to me.
Sorry for your loss. I know that sometimes after I tell an Elwood story, I will cry for those folks that never knew him!
They can take with them a large part of your heart when they go.
God Bless your MIL!
Aw, thanks. I've come to terms with it but at times like this I wish she was more caring about it. She's really a good person. We don't always see eye to eye but we've come to appreciate each other. I just had to accept that she doesn't like animals and she's had to accept that they're a big part of our lives. The funny thing is, the chicken thing-she gets it! She doesn't want any of her own, but she is thrilled to get a dozen fresh eggs whenever we visit!

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