Walker's Indian Runner Tribe


Not much of an update other then the mess they make is growing just as fast as they are, haha!
I've been spending as much time with them as possible, always looking for new ways to get
them some exercise.

I'm completely fed up with the chick waterer I bought and so I've been trying to build a waterer
for them. So far it's going horribly and I've just been using jugs with holes cut into the
sides. So if anyone has any diy projects that I should try that'd be great!

Other than that, I just love them so freakin' much! Who would've guessed that a couple of
birds would steal my heart?! I love taking care of them and even though it is so much
work, I could definitely see myself doing it again in the future!

Anyway, yesterday it was 85° F so I set up the tub for them and they loved it!
Here's a video:


They are soo cute! Happy 2-week birthday duckies!
For the waterer, I got a small container with a lid, and cut a hole in the lid. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/750869/raising-and-caring-for-ducklings If you scroll down, this link shows it
I took them outside for the first time today! I took a video and a few pictures, so I wanted to share that here. Please excuse my finger in the video lol.


@QuackSpeak - Happy Two-Weeks to Ellie and Luna as well! I miss seeing them, so sorry to hear about your camera issues! Thanks for the idea!
Cuuteee! They're so big!
P.S... Ellie and Luna loved corn. We introduced it to them by giving them kernels scraped off the cop, and then gave them part of an ear. All the kernels were gone by the next morning :p Just a treat idea ;)
@QuackSpeak - Thanks! Funny you mention that, I was just about to make myself some corn on the cob! This morning they had their usual lettuce and I cut up some strawberries and banana for them. They liked the banana much better that way rather than mashed.
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@QuackSpeak - Thanks! Funny you mention that, I was just about to make myself some corn on the cob! This morning they had their usual lettuce and I cut up some strawberries and banana for them. They liked the banana much better that way rather than mashed.

I'll keep that in mind
Although I'm pretty sure Luna would eat anything, mashed or not... She is such a little piggy

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@QuackSpeak - Haha, yeah. There's not much I can put in front of them that they won't eat. I guess they just prefer solid food lol.


The ducks are outgrowing their feeding arrangements... I come down every morning to their food and food bowl scattered all over the place
. Not to mention their water
@QuackSpeak - Join the club lol. The chicken feeder I bought is holding strong, they don't really fling their food around too much. I had problems with them walking all over it and pooping in their feed when I just set it on their bedding. I have since introduced them to the Stay-Dry platform (before it was too tall and I was worried they would fall and hurt themselves). I had to raise their feeder up on something because it doesn't fit on the platform with their water bucket. I just put it on another tote next to the platform. Although they can, they don't really walk on it anymore. I'm just waiting for the day they knock it off the tote, haha!

Forget the stupid chick waterer I bought. They outgrew that within a week. All the bedding would be soaked before morning so that's when I started cutting up milk cartons. That worked for awhile but that still didn't stop them from soaking the bedding. It also didn't hold enough water to last them all night. So I bought a bucket, put holes in it and put it on top of the Stay-Dry platform. Boy was that a blessing. They don't get their bedding all wet anymore and to clean their brooder all I gotta do is empty the water out of the platform (which I can now space out to every other day!), scoop out the soiled bedding and replace it with new!

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