Walking on Black Jack 57


Free Ranging
7 Years
Jul 1, 2017
Upper Midwest, USA
I like Black Jack 57 for the coop but the rest of the shed is for the garden tools. It would nice to cover the whole floor with the same thing. Since the tool end won't have litter and will be walked on by people going to the coop as well as the tool section, do you think the Black Jack 57 would be a good choice?
I would try it, I think it would hold up well! Below is my article on using Black Jack, you might get a couple tips for using it. All though it looks like you might have used it before or researched it.

We used black jack for our coop floor. Today we're trying to clean the coop out. What do you recommend for cleaning it? I don't want to use anything to abrasive and risk putting a hole in it.
I like Black Jack 57 for the coop but the rest of the shed is for the garden tools. It would nice to cover the whole floor with the same thing. Since the tool end won't have litter and will be walked on by people going to the coop as well as the tool section, do you think the Black Jack 57 would be a good choice?
We used black jack for our coop floor. Today we're trying to clean the coop out. What do you recommend for cleaning it? I don't want to use anything to abrasive and risk putting a hole in it.
A broom. I have deep bedding so nothing sticks. At all.

The chickens had access to the garden part before we put the dividing wall up, that couldn't have deep bedding on all of it because it would have fallen out the door. Some poops dried onto the black jack covered floor there. I scraped/pried that up with drywall putty knives, possibly also other similar tools. Also kinda sanded/ground some of it off with my shoe. :)

I got a tiny bit of black jack up/off too but it was still not completely cured so it might not if I did the same thing now. It still has a thick enough layer even there.

I wouldn't have bothered getting more than would come up easily if it was going to be under the bedding. Or if it was just me going into the garden side; dh cares more about what it looks like and about the thought of walking on it regardless of how miniscule the bits of dust that might touch his shoes.
We used black jack for our coop floor. Today we're trying to clean the coop out. What do you recommend for cleaning it? I don't want to use anything to abrasive and risk putting a hole in it.
If I had any dried poop on the floor, i used an old metal ice scraper to scrape it loose, never damaged the floor. If you have a flat shovel, you could use that also.

I have a dirt floor now, so I do deep litter.

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