want a tip that will make your hens lay like its spring in the winter

I guess I don't know how much colder climate you are looking for. The OP and I both live in Alaska.

I'm going to do it too!
Mine have yet to start laying (23 wk old RIR) but I mixed some cayenne in with their oatmeal last night, and they went NUTS! That's good enough reason for me!
Cayenne pepper increases circulation. People with chronic cold feet can benefit from adding some in their socks. Try rubbing a little into soar, arthritic knuckles. It is also a great way to loosen sinus pressure. If you have ever gotten "Jalapeño Hands", you know that you don't have to be able to taste capsicum to feel its effects. Hot food has become my new thing. I like the endorphine rush.
Thanks for the extra tips. I actually had a man come in for coffee years ago..I used to waitress in young...er days...and he would put hot sauce in his coffee..says his doc told him it was good for his ulcer??? I thought, yep, that should numb it right up and you shouldn't feel a thing..I'm thinking here, good for knuckles and joints, but the stomach? He said he hadn't felt bad for years taking it..and I knew that man..lived only a city over, worked on cars..he lived into his 80's. So, sounds like the hot stuff is good for a lot of things.

I'm just still wondering if it will help my pullets..that are from early spring...to "start" laying. And what is this about vinegar..makes since that it could be helpful for chickens as well as humans. I put a tbs. in my water in the mornings..has to be organic, and has what they call "the mother" in it.
Dumb question time. We are still having high's in the triple digits here in Phoenix. Is it starting to get cold enough in your areas to warrant cayenne? Yeah, it must be. I should look at a weather map. Thank you to all of you who shared your experiences with the Cayenne, I am anxious to try it if my temp's ever drop here.
what do you do about the light though??...that takes the cold away but i thought chickens have to have a certain amount of light??...i know you can put lights out with them but have you been having sucess with your chicken using only the pepper and no light??

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