want to hatch eggs from my flock. What will i get?

Birdsong 82

Free Ranging
7 Years
Aug 17, 2017
I have 14 laying girls and 1 OEGR. This may be a stupid question altogether but I was wondering what I would end up with from the mix of my hens. I know who lays what so I’d like to see and possibly choose according even though I like a surprise sometimes. I tried to look it up but my mind started spinning trying to figure out chicken genetics My roo is my avatar and from what I can tell he is golden duckwing OEG.
As far as hens I have
Barred Rock
ISA Browns
E Eggers
Sienna stars
Soon to have:
Cream legbars
Olive eggers
Black copper Marans
Sapphire gems
Also wondering how it affects egg color and production level
I have others but don’t really want to hatch those
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Your roo has white earlobes and a different body shape from OEG. He probably has some Leghorn blood, and maybe Easter egger, too, because of his unusual comb. Which is good news, because those two breeds lay much better than OEG. What is unknown is the color of eggs his offspring will show. Assuming he has white egg genes because of the likely Leghorn blood he has, then your pullet offspring should lay paler brown eggs or blue/green if the Easter eggers lay those colors. Now if by chance he has the blue egg gene, then you'll get all sorts of blues, greens, and olive, and maybe browns, too if has only one copy of the blue egg gene.

All of this is speculation, of course. You won't know for sure until his offspring lay eggs.
I’m still waiting on my EE to lay her first. This operation won’t take place till spring and HOPEFULLY get a broody. If not we will incubate. I know he’s probably not 100% OEG. That’s what I’ve always been able to find about him. And his personality fits perfect so I just figured. And 2 others we rehomed due to bad hen / roo ratio. He had s beautiful comb till it got frostbitten. That made it.. well... weird. :) Still think he’s super handsome
So does hen or rooster affect egg color? The cream legbars I want to get are going to be about 20 weeks
This time of year definitely wouldn’t want that. Any other .... spring summer or fall ok but not winter. Plus I’m only getting 4-6 eggs from my 14 girls daily because of molting and maybe 10 hrs of day light

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