Want to Trade for Turkey Eggs


16 Years
Mar 8, 2008
Im looking for some turkey eggs..Id prefer Bourbon reds but wont be too choosey
I can trade full stock buff orpingtons, Barred rocks or some hatchery cuckoo marans eggs..The marans are second generation hatchery birds that were hatched from the darkest of the first bunch..They lay a pretty decent egg for hatchery bird..
If interested give me an idea of what you think a fair trade for your turkey eggs would be. Im looking for 8-12 turkey eggs..Thanks
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If you don't mind mutts I'd be interested in a trade for some of those marans....

I have a bronze tom (not broad-breasted), 2 blue hens and a white hen......
Ill have guinea eggs I just dont have them yet
When i do Ill hollar to see if you still want some..
Broke Down Ranch, these are for my wife and she really wants some nice full stock turkeys..Sorry.
When you have guinea eggs, would you think of trading some with me for turkeys as well....If you have enough. Presently we have Bronze Turkeys - I'm about to take out another hatch...They are very fertile.

I do have bourbon reds but they have not started laying.

Here's photos of our Bronze Turkeys


By the way, hubby still enjoying that great damascus knife from you. Have a blessed evening. Nancy

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