Wanted Copper Maran

I definitely agree that if you plan to use an incubator you should start with some less valuable eggs first. I speak from experience! It took me a few tries to get the best out of our incubator and get a good hatch.

-Cindy in MA
I started out with copper black marans as my first eggs to hatch, but I had some broody silkies given to me and the ebay seller was a five minute drive away from my broody silkie, so it all turned out well for me. Maybe you can find a local marans breeder and a really broody silkie or two and just go for it if you want to. When I went to bayhorsebonne to pick up my eggs, we chatted a bit and got acquainted, she was flabbergasted that these were my first eggs I was trying to hatch. "Well, you certainly started at the top! These are wonderful birds, but the degree of difficulty for breeding and keeping the darkest eggs is usually not what beginners go for. Good for you!" I must admit I knew nothing about anything when I bought my eggs, but I "just wanted some cool eggs" and these have definitely been cool! I have never had so much fun off of a hundred dollar bill in my life. If you want them, GO for it! (but only locally, and with a broody)
I completely agree that you should "Go for it!" however I disagree about the broody. My hatch rate is SIGNIFICANTLY higher with my incubator than it ever is with a broody hen.

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