Wanted olive eggers


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 7, 2012
Louisville, KY
Hello...I'm interested in acquiring 2-3 olive egger chicks. Does anyone know where I can find some? I would prefer local (Kentucky) but am open to the possibility of shipping. I'm not sure how soon I want them probably next spring...any suggestions on finding a reputable breeder or site to order from? Thanks!
Do you ever get to Nashville? I should have some in the Spring. I will start hatching some maybe March-April. But I can hatch some anytime really.
Would you be interested in shipping chicks or do you only ship fertile eggs? I could drive to Nashville but if you ship that would be cheaper for me than gas.
I looked at your link and am interested in what ya got but I haven't completely made up my mind yet as I'm running out of space...
Would you be interested in shipping chicks or do you only ship fertile eggs? I could drive to Nashville but if you ship that would be cheaper for me than gas.
I looked at your link and am interested in what ya got but I haven't completely made up my mind yet as I'm running out of space...

I don't ship chicks sorry. I know what you mean about space. I am having the same problem. My EE and Olive Eggers are on the chopping block come spring, got to make room, but not till spring or early summer.

You can just PM when you are ready.
From my understanding, Olive Eggers are born from crossing a green egg layer with a brown egg layer. I have an EE hen that lays green eggs and is paired with a really beautiful Dark Cornish Cock (brown egg laying breed). If you are interested, I would be willing to send you a half/full dozen of fertile eggs for free. All I ask in return is that you post some pictures of the chicks as they grow as I think they would be really neat looking.
Let me know,
From my understanding, Olive Eggers are born from crossing a green egg layer with a brown egg layer. I have an EE hen that lays green eggs and is paired with a really beautiful Dark Cornish Cock (brown egg laying breed). If you are interested, I would be willing to send you a half/full dozen of fertile eggs for free. All I ask in return is that you post some pictures of the chicks as they grow as I think they would be really neat looking.
Let me know,

That cross makes green eggs. Olive eggs are a cross of Blue Egg layers and Dark Brown Egg Layers like Marans.
From my understanding, Olive Eggers are born from crossing a green egg layer with a brown egg layer. I have an EE hen that lays green eggs and is paired with a really beautiful Dark Cornish Cock (brown egg laying breed). If you are interested, I would be willing to send you a half/full dozen of fertile eggs for free. All I ask in return is that you post some pictures of the chicks as they grow as I think they would be really neat looking.
Let me know,

That's a very nice offer but I really don't have the space...
I wish I did...I think they will be beautiful crosses.
I can do second generation olive eggers. When do you want them? I'm in Northern Kentucky (2 hours from you, max). I prefer to do eggs but might can hatch some out.
We will be selling "olive eggers" from a cross of a Splash Wheaten Ameraucana roo over Black Copper Maran hens. We ship chicks and hatching eggs. We will start taking orders January 1st and the first chicks will ship April 1, 2013. Eggs could be sooner. You can check out our website at www.taylorhobbyfarms.com for more information.

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